The following information was submitted:
Transactions ID Number: 89-468
Full Name: Andrei Magyari
Position: Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: University of Petroºani, Str. Universitãþii, Nr.20
Country: ROMANIA
Tel: 0040722405892
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Title of the Paper: Study regarding the possibilities of improving the parameters of a petroleum products main pipe transport system
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Andrei Magyari, Marin Silviu Nan, Florin Dumitru Popescu, Nicolae Buda
Email addresses of all the authors:,,,
Number of paper pages: 11
Abstract: Main pipe flow control of petroleum products transport systems represent an important problem on which the efficient operation of the system depends considering the process imposed requirements respectively the final consumer. As more precise flow control is, realized with a sufficient reaction speed, as more enhanced the energetic parameters and economic performance get. Considering an automated control the problem of optimal process operation may appear having either the minimum specific energy consumption or minimum expenses per unit of transported product related to the distance as a performance indicator. Either the resistive method (regulation valve) or changing the speed of the speed of the centrifugal pump (if used) may be used to control the flow of the transported fluid though main pipes. The development of new petroleum products main pipe transport installations, in order to find the optimum choice concerning their architecture and structure, supposes th!
e modeling and simulation of the considered system. Simulation allows the generation, evaluation of instances and establishes the best solution based on performance indicators which most of the times identify with the definitive indicators of the simulated system. Simulation may be applied as well to studying petroleum products main pipe transport systems already in operation. The results of the simulation for this case emphasizes the objectives to be met within the modernization processes and the weak spots of the system ensuring the solving of problems if investments are implied for their modernization or if it is more efficient to increase expenditures for their maintenance.
Keywords: centrifugal pump, mathematical model, flow regulating process, main pipe
EXTENSION of the file: .doc
Special (Invited) Session: Modeling the flow regulating systems for petroleum products main pipe transport
Organizer of the Session: 642-335
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