Thursday, 28 August 2008

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 27-716
Full Name: He-Sheng Wang
Position: Associate Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Dept. Communications and Guidance Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University
Country: TAIWAN
Tel: +886-912266254
Tel prefix: 886
Fax: +886-2-24633492
E-mail address:
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Title of the Paper: a behavioral approach to gnss positioning and dop determination
Authors as they appear in the Paper: He-Sheng Wang, Ann Kao
Email addresses of all the authors:,
Number of paper pages: 16
Abstract: In this paper, a behavioral framework is proposed to solve dynamic GNSS positioning problems, which in the mean time may also provide a way to determine the DOP (dilution of precision) of a moving object. The concept of behavioral framework was first proposed by Jan C. Willems in a series of papers (J.C. Willems, "From time series to linear system - part I, II, and III," Automatica Vol. 22, 1986.) as a generic tool for mathematical modeling of dynamical systems. In the proposed approach, a GNSS positioning problem is firstly described by a kernel representation and then the problem can be solved by a structured total least-squares (STLS) algorithm. STLS algorithm is a modified version of the traditional total least-squares (TLS) method. It can be shown that the STLS algorithm is able to provide better performance than the TLS algorithm for the problems that possess a particular structure. In the case of the present paper, it is shown that the GNSS positioning probl!
em has a Hankel structure (i.e., the geometric matrix of the pseudorange equation is Hankel), therefore the problem can be solved by an STLS algorithm subject to a Hankel structure. On the other hand, a formula for calculating DOP of a dynamic positioning problem is also provided. The proposed method is able to calculate the DOP value for multiple time epochs, in compared with the conventional DOP formula which can only be derived at a single time epoch, so as to reflect the inter-dependency between consecutive time epochs.
Keywords: Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS); Behavioral Framework; Structured Total Least-Squares; Dilution of Precision; Kernel Representation; Total Least-Squares; Least-Squares
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session: Kinematic GNSS Positioning and DOP Calculation Based on a Behavioral Framework
Organizer of the Session: 591-867
How Did you learn about congress: Fan-Ren Chang (