The following information was submitted:
Transactions ID Number: 52-737
Full Name: E.M.E. Zayed
Position: Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University,
Country: EGYPT
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Title of the Paper: A further improved (G´ G)âˆ' expansion method and the extended tanh- method for finding exact solutons of nonlinear PDEs
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Elsayed M.E.Zayed
Email addresses of all the authors: -
Number of paper pages: 16
Abstract: In the present article, we construct the exact traveling wave solutions of two nonlinear PDEs in the mathematical physics via the (1+1) dimensional modified Kawahara equation by using the following two methods: (i) A further improved ( G´ G )âˆ' expansion method, where G = G(ξ) satisfies the auxiliary ordinary differential equation [G0(ξ)]2 = aG2(ξ) + bG4(ξ) + cG6(ξ), where ξ = x âˆ' V t while a, b, c and V are constants. (ii) The well known extended tanh- function method. We show that the exact solutions obtained by these two methods are equivalent. Note that the first method (i) has not been used by anyone befor
Keywords: Further improved ( G´ G )- expansion method, Auxiliary equation, Extended tanh- function method, Traveling wave solutions, The modified Kawahara equation
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