The following information was submitted:
Transactions ID Number: 52-731
Full Name: E.M.E. Zayed
Position: Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University,
Country: EGYPT
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Title of the Paper: Exact traveling wave solutions of nonlinear variable coe¢ cients evolution equations with forced terms using the generalized G0 G 􀀀expansion method E.
Authors as they appear in the Paper: E. M. E. Zayed and M. A. M. Abdelaziz
Email addresses of all the authors:,
Number of paper pages: 12
Abstract: The exact traveling wave solutions of the nonlinear variable coe¢ cients Burgers- Fisher equation and the generalized Gardner equation with forced terms can be found in this article using the generalized G0 G 􀀀expansion method. As a result, hyperbolic, trigonometric and rational function solutions with parameters are obtained. When these parameters are taken special values, the solitary wave solutions are derived from the hyperbolic function solutions. It is shown that the proposed method is direct, e¤ective and can be applied to many other nonlinear evolution equations in the mathematical physics.
Keywords: Nonlinear evolution equations; Generalized G0 G 􀀀expansion method; Vari- able coe¢ cients Burgers-Fisher equation with the forced term; Variable coe¢ cients gen- eralized Gardner equation with the forced term, Exact solutions.
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How Did you learn about congress: Nonlinear PDEs,Math.Phys,Computer, Nonlinear ODEs,