The following information was submitted:
Transactions ID Number: 19-925
Full Name: Liliana Mihaela Moga
Position: Associate Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Female
Address: Pta Dorobanti 2bis, Bl. 25B, Apt. 31, Braila - 810253
Country: ROMANIA
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Title of the Paper: Innovation, learning and regional development
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Romeo Victor Ionescu, Liliana Mihaela Moga
Email addresses of all the authors:,
Number of paper pages: 8
Abstract: The subject of this paper is new,â€unconventional†and with major implications on the socio-economic evolution. The paper tries to find answers and solutions to the present and forecasted problems and challenges, coming out from the classical approach, which is strictly economic. It offers a different outlook and approach and a different understanding of the socio-economic phenomena. On the other hand, these phenomena began to do not “respect†almost any economic theory and law. The greatest challenges for the society ask for uncommon solutions. This research analyses and systematises the main research idea and argues, in order to create a base of analysis for the systems’ parameters’ evaluation, the territorial dimension of these systems and the role of the institutions inside the regional innovation, learning and development partnership. The concept of regional partnership for innovation, learning and development evaluated to a large analytic approa!
ch which is able to generate the empirical base of the regional innovation, learning and development policies. The actual researches didn’t succeed to define the territorial dimension of innovation, learning and development, the role of the institutions and institutional context, in order to implement these specific regional systems. The main objective of this research is to define a new regional model of learning, creative industries and development. The paper tries to find a part of the asked answers. It proposes the creative industries as a new solution which is able to ensure the local and regional economic growth. The authors of this paper consider that the creative industries will have the same impact on the society as the internet had. As a result, this solution has not to be neglected, because the most difficult problems have frequently less sophisticated solutions.
Keywords: Creative industries, Innovative systems, Regional knowledge management, Regional partnership
EXTENSION of the file: .doc
Special (Invited) Session: Regional development partnership under innovation and learning processes
Organizer of the Session: 202-200
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