Dear Mr. Oleg Agamalov,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS and CONTROL (CONTROL '12), we are glad to inform you that the following contribution:
Title: Feedback of Control System by Deviations of Magnitude
and Phase Delay of Plant Output.
ID: 68004-021
has been accepted for publication in the conference proceedings. You will soon receive an e-mail with detailed instructions on how to register. Note that the reviewers' comments will be sent to you after your registration. You will also receive a username and password that will grant you access to the WSEAS E-Library.
You may login at using your username and password already sent to you whenever you wish to upload a revised version.
Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
Rayna Moskova
Alkis Polyrakis
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964