TITLE: Improving the Effectiveness of Learning Page Replacement Algorithms using an Interactive Animated Tool
KEYWORDS: Educational Software, Visualization Tool, Computer Science Education, Page Replacement Algorithms, and Operating System
ABSTRACT: As an aid to the study of page replacement algorithms that are used in the context of memory management, the author has developed an interactive Java-based tool that uses graphical animation to convey the concepts of various page replacement algorithms. This tool is unique in a number of respects. First, it differentiates the read-access pages from the write-access ones, since the cost of replacing a page that has been modified is greater than for one that has not. Second, it allows the user to practice and test his understanding of the concepts he has learnt through a very easy-to-use graphical user interface. Third, it allows the user to compare the performance of two different algorithms or that of the same algorithm with different conditions in an easy manner. In this paper, the impact of the tool on student learning is measured and discussed in detail.