Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 17-112
Full Name: Ion Silviu Borozan
Position: Ph.D. Candidate
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Mihai Viteazu, nr. 1, Timisoara, Timis, RO-300222
Country: ROMANIA
Tel: +40742751440
Tel prefix:
E-mail address: ionutz_borozan@yahoo.com
Other E-mails: raul_k20@yahoo.com
Title of the Paper: energy balance of the clutches and brakes
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Ion Silviu Borozan, Inocentiu Maniu, Veronica Argesanu, Raul Miklos Kulcsar
Email addresses of all the authors: raul_k20@yahoo.com
Number of paper pages: 8
Abstract: The energetic transfer through the friction clutch and brake is accompanied by dissipative processes. The causes that produce these processes are the friction from the plate package. The dissipative restrictions that are independent of the temperature gradient or the direction of the heat flux present in the clutch's mass are imposed by the maximum temperatures admitted by the friction materials, by the electrically insulating materials and the lubricant (if it takes place in a wet environment).
Keywords: Clutch, Brake, Friction, Energy, Load, Dissipative, Heating.
EXTENSION of the file: .doc
Special (Invited) Session: The energetic balance of the friction clutches used in automotive
Organizer of the Session: 655-238
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