Monday, 30 September 2013

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Venkateswara Rao Bathina,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Optimal Location of Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor for reduction of Transmission Line losses using BAT Search Algorithm
ID: 5716-158

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Prof. Khalid Alammar,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 5th International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Informatics (AMATHI14) to be held in Cambridge, MA, USA, January 29-31, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Average Turbulent Pipe Flow Using a Three-equation Model
ID: 71204-106

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Prof. Jeng-Fung Chen,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: A Comparative Study of Hierarchical ANFIS and ANN in Predicting Student Academic Performance
ID: 5709-256

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Dr. Huashui Zhan Zhan,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: An Algorithm for Storage Tanks Deflection Identification Based on Pattern Search
ID: 5706-320

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Ms. Rubiane Oliveira,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 8th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications (CSST14) to be held in Tenerife, Spain, January 9-11, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Rule-Based Model via Rough Sets to MIMO Discrete-Time Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
ID: 71102-103

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Dr. Rong CHEN,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Research on the Urban Recreational Greenway Planning Policy on the Livable City Construction
ID: 70904-229

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Ramesh V,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Communications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: A Novel Elliptic Curve Cryptography based AODV for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks for Enhanced Security
ID: 5704-282

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

Sunday, 29 September 2013

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification


On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

ID: 5705-297

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Mr. seyed jalalaldin faraji,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Proposing a Simplified Method for the Analysis of Urban Transportation Tunnels against Earthquake
ID: 70904-214

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Ms. Salwana Mohamad,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Probabilistic Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for Forensic Evidence Analysis
ID: 5709-255

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Prof. Qingping ZHANG,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: New Technicalized Green Space Landscape Design
ID: 70904-208

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification


On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Studies on Landscape Design and Site Planning from the Perspective of Human Settlement
ID: 70904-205

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Prof. Shan Cui,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Landscape Designing Practice for the Animal Show in China's Erdos Zoo
ID: 70904-202

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Yun-feng Yang,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Built Environment Evaluation Method Of Urban Wetland Park
ID: 70904-199

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Dr. Yangbo Chai,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Transformation of Urban Space in Yangzhou City during the Post-canal Era ——Taking the Nanhexia Area as an Example
ID: 70904-196

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Jun YANG,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Study on classification and value of historical and cultural landscape in Nanjing during the Ming and Qing Dynasties
ID: 70904-193

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Dr. Rong CHEN,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: A Study on the Establishment of the Theme of Urban Park Green Space
ID: 70904-190

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Ms. Maria Salama,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Designing an Innovative Computer Networking Course Using Junosphere
ID: 71003-142

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Dr. Hon-Chan Chen,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Fault-tolerant Hamiltonicity and Hamiltonian Connectedness of Crossed Cubes with Path Faults
ID: 5709-254

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Mr. tongxiang SU,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Greenway Theory and Integrated Planning of Urban Green Space System---A Case Study of Yancheng City in Jiangsu Province
ID: 70904-187

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Mr. zhugen WANG,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Natural Habitat
―Analysis of Traditional Dwelling Environment in Jiaodong
ID: 70904-184

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Dr. liu yuan,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

ID: 70904-181

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Prof. Qingping ZHANG,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: New Technicalized Green Space Landscape Design
ID: 70904-178

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Lang ZHANG,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: A Study on Shanghai's Practice based on the Organic Evolution Theory of Urban Green Space System
ID: 70904-175

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

Saturday, 28 September 2013

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Ms. tang xiaolan,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: On Establishing Urban Green Space Identification System in Digital City
ID: 70904-172

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Xu Yong Xu,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: The Intercourse Space: Research on Street Space of Traditional Village Settlement in Huizhou
ID: 70904-169

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Jianguo Lu,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Study on the Application of Herbaceous Flowers in the Flower Festival of Xixi National Wetland Park of Hangzhou
ID: 70904-166

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Jianguo Lu,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Species Selection and Design Principle of Rock Garden: A Case Study of the Rock Garden in Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden
ID: 70904-163

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Prof. Yuning Cheng,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Design Strategy of Landscape Architecture Based On Coupling Method
ID: 70904-160

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Ms. fang cheng,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Path to Realize the Value of Urban Centre Landscape in Ancient China
ID: 70904-157

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Mr. M.Sakthivadivel P.Mylsamy,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Host-based Intrusion Detection System using Sequence of System Calls
ID: 5705-296

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Mr. lan li,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Attachment to the Landscape and Reflection on
the Ancient and Modern Times
ID: 70904-154

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Ms. jiangman jiang,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: A Preliminary Study on Problems in Tendering and Bidding of Landscape Project
ID: 70904-151

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Ms. Jianle Ji,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Analysis of Design for Green Landscape Facilities in Outdoor Recreation Space
ID: 70904-148

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Ms. hao xu,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: The Evolution and Characteristics of the Green Space System Planningin Japan
ID: 70904-145

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Hui Wang,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: A Study on the GIS-based Wetland Landscape Planning
——A Case Study Conducted in the Yancheng Wetland Nature Reserve
ID: 70904-142

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Xiaowen Jing,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Architectural Characteristics and Transformation of Private Gardens of Nanjing in Modern Chinese History
ID: 70904-139

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Dr. zhe zhang,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Communication Effect of Urban Landscape Design
ID: 70904-136

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification


On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Application of Green architecture Theory to Teaching of Landscape Architectural Design
ID: 70904-133

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Ms. Jun Ying,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Discussion on Human Settlements Planning and Design Strategies for Active Living
ID: 70904-130

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Prof. Haihui Hu,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Study of Sustainable Construction of Plant Landscape in Harbin Urban Green Space
ID: 70904-127

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

Friday, 27 September 2013

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Subhash Chandra Yadav,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: A Study of the family of Affine Projection Algorithms
ID: 5714-211

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Mr. sakhr mohammed,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Performance Evaluation of Using Two Different Absorber Designs of PV/T Solar Collector
ID: 5715-180

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Prof. Zakaria Zubi,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 1st International Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (IPPR13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Air Temperature Forecasting using Radial Basis Functional Artificial Neural Networks
ID: 71004-112

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Prof. Shan Cui,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Landscape Designing Practice for the Animal Show in China's Erdos Zoo
ID: 70904-124

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Prof. Gerardo Maria Cennamo,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: The approach to BIM - Building Information Modelling as excellent instrument for the definition of design strategies and for knowledge, simulation and management of the buildings and architectural heritage.
ID: 70904-121

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Ms. Jothilakshmi Vishnu Prakash,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Communications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Design and Implementation of Reconfigurable Microstrip Patch Antenna for S-Band Applications
ID: 5704-281

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Ms. Monika Bušovská,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 7th International Conference on Economy and Management Transformation (EMT13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Verification of Convergence in Tax Mixes and Selected Tax Rates in the European Union
ID: 70905-112

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Mr. liulei leo,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Construction of P.S.E.C multi-dimensional practical teaching system for landscape design
ID: 5715-179

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

Thursday, 26 September 2013

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Mr. yuan,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Spectral analysis of transport operator in the cell population dynamics
ID: 5706-319

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Shi Yu,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Landscape Architecture (LA13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: ccd
ID: 70904-118

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Ramoni O. Adeogun,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Communications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Multipath Parameter Estimation and Channel Prediction for Wideband Mobile to Mobile Wireless Channel
ID: 5704-280

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Haiqing Ou,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Optimization Design of Small Off-grid Power Systems
Based on HOMER
ID: 5701-190

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Robert Lis,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 14th International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Computational Techniques in Electrical Engineering (MMACTEE13) to be held in Nanjing, China, November 17-19, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Voltage Stability Assessment Using Bus P-Q Curve
ID: 70903-106

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Haiqing Ou,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Optimization Design of Small Off-grid Power Systems Based on HOMER
ID: 5701-189

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Dr. Ozlem Coskun,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Electronic Circuit Design For Ensuring Safety Of Business in Band Systems
ID: 71003-139

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Peter Michal,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Using Neural Networks to Design Predictive Mathematical Model for Creation of Aluminium Oxide Layer
ID: 5701-188

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Mr. satishkumar satish kumar duraiswamy,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Technologies used in Physical MAC-CPS and MAC-Security Layers of IEEE 802.16j Mobile Multi-Hop Relay (MMR) Networks
ID: 5702-276

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Mr. satishkumar satish kumar duraiswamy,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Communications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Energy Conserved Fault Tolerance Relay Nodes in Wireless Network
ID: 5704-279

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification

Dear Mr. P.Maniraj Kumar Maniraj,

On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Communications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: VLSI Implementation of Low Power High Speed ML MAP Processor Design for Dual Mode Binary Turbo Decoders
ID: 5704-278

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964

WSEAS: Submission Notification

Dear Mr. Josef Casar,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.

The following contribution:

Title: Application of Multi-Agent principles for operational centers procedural modeling
ID: 71003-136

was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.

You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.

You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.

For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.

Best Regards,

The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964