Dear Ms. Hana Urbančoková,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 1st International Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorics and Graph Theory (DIMACOG13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: The possibilities of security of objects of territorial self-government
ID: 71002-115
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
Papers Submitted to WSEAS Conferences and WSEAS Journals(under review). This blog help us very much to ditribute the papers to the appropriate reviewers. Thank you for the understanding!
Thursday, 31 October 2013
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Saulius Minkevicius,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 5th International Conference on Applied Informatics and Computing Theory (AICT14) to be held in Tenerife, Spain, January 9-11, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Simulation of Reliability in Multi-server Computer Networks
ID: 71107-103
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 5th International Conference on Applied Informatics and Computing Theory (AICT14) to be held in Tenerife, Spain, January 9-11, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Simulation of Reliability in Multi-server Computer Networks
ID: 71107-103
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Vikas Soni,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: A High Quality Low Order Nonrecursive Digital FIR Filter Design using newly Proposed Windows (Modified 3-Parameter Windows)
ID: 5714-220
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: A High Quality Low Order Nonrecursive Digital FIR Filter Design using newly Proposed Windows (Modified 3-Parameter Windows)
ID: 5714-220
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Belal Chowdhury,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: A Web-based RFID Application to Combat Counterfeit Branding
ID: 71003-286
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: A Web-based RFID Application to Combat Counterfeit Branding
ID: 71003-286
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Saravanan P,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: An Efficient BFO Algorithm for Self Tuning Pi-Controller Parameters for Shunt Active Power Filter
ID: 5716-166
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: An Efficient BFO Algorithm for Self Tuning Pi-Controller Parameters for Shunt Active Power Filter
ID: 5716-166
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Prof. Qingzhang Chen,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: The Design and Implementation of Mobile Campus Information Service System
ID: 5709-276
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: The Design and Implementation of Mobile Campus Information Service System
ID: 5709-276
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Ms. Bin Zheng,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: The Riccati Sub-ODE Method For Fractional
Differential-difference Equations
ID: 5706-338
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: The Riccati Sub-ODE Method For Fractional
Differential-difference Equations
ID: 5706-338
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Jose Italo Cortez,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Effect of Applying Strain to the Acousto-Optic Transducer All Optic Fiber Transmittance Function in the Audible Frequency Range
ID: 71003-283
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Effect of Applying Strain to the Acousto-Optic Transducer All Optic Fiber Transmittance Function in the Audible Frequency Range
ID: 71003-283
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Jose Italo Cortez,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Implementation of the Control Algorithm for the Optical System, Operating in a Robotic System for Cracks detection in Dental Pieces
ID: 71003-280
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Implementation of the Control Algorithm for the Optical System, Operating in a Robotic System for Cracks detection in Dental Pieces
ID: 71003-280
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Saurabh Rawat,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Component Level Testing in Component Based Software Development
ID: 5705-321
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Component Level Testing in Component Based Software Development
ID: 5705-321
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Saadi Ahmad Kamaruddin,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 16th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (MACMESE14) to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 23-25, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Best Forecasting Models for Private Financial Initiative Unitary Charges Data of East Coast and Southern Regions in Peninsular Malaysia
ID: 71301-100
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 16th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (MACMESE14) to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 23-25, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Best Forecasting Models for Private Financial Initiative Unitary Charges Data of East Coast and Southern Regions in Peninsular Malaysia
ID: 71301-100
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Kanhu Charan Bhuyan,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with DC-DC Converter System Control and Grid Interfacing
ID: 5703-207
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with DC-DC Converter System Control and Grid Interfacing
ID: 5703-207
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Dr. xiuqiong hu,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: A preventive control model for static voltage stability considering the active power transfer capabilities of weak branches
ID: 5703-206
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: A preventive control model for static voltage stability considering the active power transfer capabilities of weak branches
ID: 5703-206
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Libor Sarga,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Implementing Control Charts to Corporate Financial Management
ID: 5706-337
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Implementing Control Charts to Corporate Financial Management
ID: 5706-337
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Libor Sarga,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Process Capability Indices for Non-Normal Data
ID: 5707-189
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Process Capability Indices for Non-Normal Data
ID: 5707-189
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Ms. Gomathi M,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Fuzzy Clustering Based Energy Saving Routing Protocol for MANET
ID: 5705-320
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Fuzzy Clustering Based Energy Saving Routing Protocol for MANET
ID: 5705-320
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Ms. Gomathi M,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Fuzzy Clustering Based Energy Saving Routing Protocol for MANET
ID: 5705-319
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Fuzzy Clustering Based Energy Saving Routing Protocol for MANET
ID: 5705-319
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Prof. Massimo Viscardi,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 1st International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Audio Processing (ASAP13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
ID: 71005-109
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 1st International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Audio Processing (ASAP13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
ID: 71005-109
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Mohamed Bechir BEN HAMIDA,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Natural Convection Heat Transfer in an Enclosure Filled with a Ethylene Glycol - Copper Nanofluid under magnetic field
ID: 5712-134
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Natural Convection Heat Transfer in an Enclosure Filled with a Ethylene Glycol - Copper Nanofluid under magnetic field
ID: 5712-134
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Prof. Massimo Viscardi,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 1st International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Audio Processing (ASAP13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
ID: 71005-106
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 1st International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Audio Processing (ASAP13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
ID: 71005-106
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Vadim Rabey,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: The Calculated Justification of Seismic Stability of Load-Lifting Cranes
ID: 5711-152
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: The Calculated Justification of Seismic Stability of Load-Lifting Cranes
ID: 5711-152
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Prof. Massimo Viscardi,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 1st International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Audio Processing (ASAP13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
ID: 71005-103
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 1st International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Audio Processing (ASAP13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
ID: 71005-103
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Laszlo Kis,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Orientation estimation of an outdoor vehicle using inertial, magnetic and CP-GPS sensors
ID: 71003-277
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Orientation estimation of an outdoor vehicle using inertial, magnetic and CP-GPS sensors
ID: 71003-277
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Experimental analysis and implementation of bit level permutation instructions for embedded security
ID: 5705-318
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Experimental analysis and implementation of bit level permutation instructions for embedded security
ID: 5705-318
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Zuoyi Dong,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Intelligence Diagnosis Method Based on Particle Swarm Optimized Neural Network for Roller Bearings
ID: 5702-295
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Intelligence Diagnosis Method Based on Particle Swarm Optimized Neural Network for Roller Bearings
ID: 5702-295
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
Monday, 28 October 2013
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. M. I. Thariq Hussan RJM,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Multi-Cluster Based Temporal Mobile Sequential Pattern Mining Using Heuristic Search
ID: 5705-317
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Multi-Cluster Based Temporal Mobile Sequential Pattern Mining Using Heuristic Search
ID: 5705-317
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. P C Thomas Paikaday,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Influx of random variables in the Unit Commitment problem
ID: 5716-165
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Influx of random variables in the Unit Commitment problem
ID: 5716-165
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. P C Thomas Paikaday,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Influx of random variables in the Unit Commitment problem
ID: 5716-164
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Influx of random variables in the Unit Commitment problem
ID: 5716-164
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Stratis Kanarachos,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Simulation of the Air-Oil Mixture Flow in the Scavenge Pipe of an Aero Engine using Generalized Interphase Momentum Exchange Models
ID: 5713-132
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Simulation of the Air-Oil Mixture Flow in the Scavenge Pipe of an Aero Engine using Generalized Interphase Momentum Exchange Models
ID: 5713-132
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Prof. Eui Chul Lee,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Similarity Measurement Method between Two Songs
by Using the Conditional Euclidean Distance
ID: 5709-275
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Similarity Measurement Method between Two Songs
by Using the Conditional Euclidean Distance
ID: 5709-275
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
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The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Prof. Yung-Fa Huang,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Communications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Performance of Hybrid Virtual Force Algorithms on Mobile Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks
ID: 5704-304
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Communications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Performance of Hybrid Virtual Force Algorithms on Mobile Deployment in Wireless Sensor Networks
ID: 5704-304
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. nagireddy renati,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
ID: 5716-163
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
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The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
ID: 5716-163
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
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The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Nakul Sharma,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Combining Natural Language Processing and Software Engineering
ID: 5705-316
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
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The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Combining Natural Language Processing and Software Engineering
ID: 5705-316
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Saurabh Rawat,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Musical Notes and Mathematics
ID: 5706-336
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
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The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Musical Notes and Mathematics
ID: 5706-336
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
Sunday, 27 October 2013
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Ms. shubhangi Mahamuni,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Communications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Design of Prototype for Testing Antenna
ID: 5704-303
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Communications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Design of Prototype for Testing Antenna
ID: 5704-303
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Haiyang Zhang,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: The Study and Implement of College Library New Book Recommendation System
ID: 5709-274
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: The Study and Implement of College Library New Book Recommendation System
ID: 5709-274
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Fengming Liu,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: A collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm combined with user and item
ID: 5709-273
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: A collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm combined with user and item
ID: 5709-273
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. kaihong zhao,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Globally exponential synchronization of diffusion recurrent FNNs
with time-delays and impulses on time scales
ID: 5706-335
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Globally exponential synchronization of diffusion recurrent FNNs
with time-delays and impulses on time scales
ID: 5706-335
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Claude Bayeh,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Communications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Audio-Visual Brain Recorder, Records visual and sound activities in the Brain into Video
ID: 5704-302
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Communications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Audio-Visual Brain Recorder, Records visual and sound activities in the Brain into Video
ID: 5704-302
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Claude Bayeh,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Audio-Visual Brain Recorder, Records visual and sound activities in the Brain into Video
ID: 5710-116
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Audio-Visual Brain Recorder, Records visual and sound activities in the Brain into Video
ID: 5710-116
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Claude Bayeh,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Audio-Visual Brain Recorder, Records visual and sound activities in the Brain into Video
ID: 5708-118
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Audio-Visual Brain Recorder, Records visual and sound activities in the Brain into Video
ID: 5708-118
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. HENG LIU,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Shooting Control Algorithm Based on Emendation of Model Error of
Assumed Relative Target Motion
ID: 5703-205
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Shooting Control Algorithm Based on Emendation of Model Error of
Assumed Relative Target Motion
ID: 5703-205
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Kuo-Hsiang Cheng,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 8th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (CEA14) to be held in Tenerife, Spain, January 9-11, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Fast Intra Prediction Algorithm for H.264/AVC High Profile
ID: 71101-130
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 8th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (CEA14) to be held in Tenerife, Spain, January 9-11, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Fast Intra Prediction Algorithm for H.264/AVC High Profile
ID: 71101-130
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
Saturday, 26 October 2013
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Dr. HENG LUO,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Communications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: A QoS balancing model for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
ID: 5704-301
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Communications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: A QoS balancing model for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
ID: 5704-301
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Mr. ismail kamal kamal,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 8th International Conference on Communications and Information Technology (CIT14) to be held in Tenerife, Spain, January 9-11, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Selective video encryption system using AES (Rijndael) algorithm for low cost FPGA chip
ID: 71108-103
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 8th International Conference on Communications and Information Technology (CIT14) to be held in Tenerife, Spain, January 9-11, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Selective video encryption system using AES (Rijndael) algorithm for low cost FPGA chip
ID: 71108-103
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Ms. Deva Priya M,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Communications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: WPS: WFQ based Prediction Scheme for Inter-Gateway Handover in IEEE 802.16e Networks
ID: 5704-300
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Communications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: WPS: WFQ based Prediction Scheme for Inter-Gateway Handover in IEEE 802.16e Networks
ID: 5704-300
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Ms. Ryane Imane,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: A composite application for designing learning scenarios
ID: 5705-315
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: A composite application for designing learning scenarios
ID: 5705-315
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Patiparn Punyapalakul,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 4th International Conference on Urban Sustainability, Cultural Sustainability, Green Development, Green Structures and Clean Cars (USCUDAR13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Effects of pH and Bi-functional Groups Modification on Adsorption of Carbamazepine by Porous Silicas
ID: 71011-145
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 4th International Conference on Urban Sustainability, Cultural Sustainability, Green Development, Green Structures and Clean Cars (USCUDAR13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Effects of pH and Bi-functional Groups Modification on Adsorption of Carbamazepine by Porous Silicas
ID: 71011-145
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
Friday, 25 October 2013
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Marwa Tharwat,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Adaptive Tumbling Bacterial Foraging Optimization
For Sustainable Economic Load Dispatch
ID: 71003-274
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Adaptive Tumbling Bacterial Foraging Optimization
For Sustainable Economic Load Dispatch
ID: 71003-274
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Benoudjafer Cherif,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Hybrid shunt active filter: Impact of the network's impedance on the filtering characteristic
ID: 5716-162
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Hybrid shunt active filter: Impact of the network's impedance on the filtering characteristic
ID: 5716-162
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Velislava Stoykova,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Bulgarian Definite Article in DATR
ID: 5709-272
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Bulgarian Definite Article in DATR
ID: 5709-272
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Ramesh Chand,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Effect of suspended particles on the onset of thermal convection in a layer of nanofluid
ID: 5706-334
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Effect of suspended particles on the onset of thermal convection in a layer of nanofluid
ID: 5706-334
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Ms. Wei Xu,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Power-Efficient Linear Phase FIR Notch Filter Design Using the LARS Scheme
ID: 5714-219
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Power-Efficient Linear Phase FIR Notch Filter Design Using the LARS Scheme
ID: 5714-219
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Ms. Wei Xu,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Power-Efficient Linear Phase FIR Notch Filter Design Using the LARS Scheme
ID: 71003-271
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Power-Efficient Linear Phase FIR Notch Filter Design Using the LARS Scheme
ID: 71003-271
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Dmitriy Dunaev,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Formal Considerations and a Practical Approach to Intermediate-Level Obfuscation
ID: 5705-314
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Computers, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Formal Considerations and a Practical Approach to Intermediate-Level Obfuscation
ID: 5705-314
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
Thursday, 24 October 2013
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Shrishail T. Patil,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 13th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science (ACACOS14) to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 23-25, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: 3-D Face Recognition using ensemble matching schemes.
ID: 71302-100
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 13th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer and Applied Computational Science (ACACOS14) to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 23-25, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: 3-D Face Recognition using ensemble matching schemes.
ID: 71302-100
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Thum Richard,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Safety related position detection via odometry and laser scanner
ID: 71003-268
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Safety related position detection via odometry and laser scanner
ID: 71003-268
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Savitri Bevinakoppa,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Simulation of Diversity Techniques for Satellite Communications
ID: 71003-265
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 12th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Electronics, Control & Signal Processing (CSECS13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Simulation of Diversity Techniques for Satellite Communications
ID: 71003-265
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Savitri Bevinakoppa,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 9th International Conference on Remote Sensing (REMOTE13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
ID: 71006-118
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 9th International Conference on Remote Sensing (REMOTE13) to be held in Budapest, Hungary, December 10-12, 2013, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
ID: 71006-118
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Muhammad Quamruzzaman,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: A Modified Perturb and Observe Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for Single-Stage Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter
ID: 5716-161
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: A Modified Perturb and Observe Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique for Single-Stage Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverter
ID: 5716-161
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Journal Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Guijun Wang,
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Completeness and separability of the space of a class of integrable fuzzy valued functions based on the tK-integral norm metric
ID: 5706-333
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the Editor in Chief of the WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Completeness and separability of the space of a class of integrable fuzzy valued functions based on the tK-integral norm metric
ID: 5706-333
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the journal, please refer to its main web site. Should you have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Md. Alamgir Hossain alamgir,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources (RES14) to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 23-25, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Wind Energy: A Sustainable Alternative Source in Bangladesh
ID: 71304-103
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources (RES14) to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 23-25, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Wind Energy: A Sustainable Alternative Source in Bangladesh
ID: 71304-103
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Md. Alamgir Hossain alamgir,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources (RES14) to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 23-25, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Perspective and Challenge of Tidal Power in Bangladesh
ID: 71304-100
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on Renewable Energy Sources (RES14) to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 23-25, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Perspective and Challenge of Tidal Power in Bangladesh
ID: 71304-100
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Blanka Frydrychov Klimova,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 8th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (CEA14) to be held in Tenerife, Spain, January 9-11, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Multimedia: Its Theory and Pedagogy in the Teaching of English
ID: 71101-127
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 8th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (CEA14) to be held in Tenerife, Spain, January 9-11, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Multimedia: Its Theory and Pedagogy in the Teaching of English
ID: 71101-127
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Singa Wang Chiu,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 15th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Business and Economics (MCBE14) to be held in Cambridge, MA, USA, January 29-31, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Incorporating an Improved Delivery Policy into Multi-Item FPR Model with Rework
ID: 71201-115
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 15th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Business and Economics (MCBE14) to be held in Cambridge, MA, USA, January 29-31, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Incorporating an Improved Delivery Policy into Multi-Item FPR Model with Rework
ID: 71201-115
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Dr. Marek Kubalcik,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 8th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications (CSST14) to be held in Tenerife, Spain, January 9-11, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Multivariable Control of a Coupled Drives Process with Decoupling Controllers
ID: 71102-109
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 8th International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and Telecommunications (CSST14) to be held in Tenerife, Spain, January 9-11, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Multivariable Control of a Coupled Drives Process with Decoupling Controllers
ID: 71102-109
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
WSEAS: Submission Notification
Dear Mr. Yuan-Shyi Peter Chiu,
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 15th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Business and Economics (MCBE14) to be held in Cambridge, MA, USA, January 29-31, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Solving Multi-Item FPR Model with Rework and an Improved Delivery Policy without Derivatives
ID: 71201-112
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 15th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Business and Economics (MCBE14) to be held in Cambridge, MA, USA, January 29-31, 2014, we would like to thank you for submitting your paper.
The following contribution:
Title: Solving Multi-Item FPR Model with Rework and an Improved Delivery Policy without Derivatives
ID: 71201-112
was successfully received and will be sent to reviewers. You will be notified of the evaluation result no sooner than 30 days from today.
You should bear in mind that at least one author of each accepted paper must register, in order for the paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration deadline is mentioned in the web page of the conference and it will not be extended. If you wish to submit another paper, you may do so until the submission deadline which is also stated in the web page.
You can access your paper and related information at in the 'Authors area'. For this purpose, please use the username and password already sent to you. You may also revise the authors' information or the paper itself via this page, or check its status.
For further information regarding the conference, please refer to its main web site. Should have any further questions, you may contact us at . Always include your paper ID for your convenience.
Best Regards,
The WSEAS Team
Ag. I. Theologou 17-23
Zografou, 15773, Athens, Greece
Phone +30 210 747 3313
FAX +30 211 800 1964
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