Tuesday 26 May 2009

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 32-518
Full Name: SIGE LIU
Position: Ph.D. Candidate
Age: ON
Sex: Female
Address: Dongchuang Road 800, Minhang District, Shanghai, P R China
Country: CHINA
Tel: 86-10-82812230
Tel prefix: 86-013466512927
Fax: 86-10-82812234
E-mail address: sgliu@epri.ac.cn
Other E-mails: lsgluke@126.com
Title of the Paper: A New Model for Multi-objective Load Curtailment Applied on Deregulated Environment
Authors as they appear in the Paper: SIGE LIU, XIAOXIN ZHOU, MINGTIAN FAN, HAOZHONG CHENG
Email addresses of all the authors: sgliu@epri.ac.cn, xxzhou@epri.ac.cn, mtfan@epri.ac.cn, zhengch@sjtu.edu.cn
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: Abstract: - In the deregulated environment, transmission congestion is one major problem that needs to be handled in power system operation. This paper aims to alleviate congestion using the multi-objective load curtailment (MOLC) approach. The proposed MOLC approach optimizes the two objectives simultaneous, namely the security margin and load curtailment cost. The security margin is measured by a presented voltage instability indictor (VSI). A fitting coefficient is adopted to combine the two conflicted objectives. The primal dual interior point method (PDIPM) is adopted to solve the proposed MOLC model. The effectiveness of both the improved PDIPM and the MOLC approach has been tested and proven on the modified IEEE 30-bus system and IEEE 118-bus system. The results obtained show that the proposed technique is able to improve system security while yielding lower cost of load curtailment.
Keywords: Key-Words: - Multi-objective load curtailment, voltage instability indicator, security margin, cost of load curtailment, fitting coefficient, primal dual interior point method
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
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How Did you learn about congress: Library of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Dongchuan Road 800, Minhang District, Shanghai, P R China, master@mail.lib.sjtu.edu.cn