Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 29-335
Full Name: Jiun-Shiou Deng
Position: Associate Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: No. 1, Hsinshing Rd., Hsinfeng, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 304.
Country: TAIWAN
Tel: 886-35593142 x3160
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Fax: 886-35591402
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Title of the Paper: Performance Improvement of Double-Layer Networks with Holographic Optical Switches
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Chi-Ping Lee, Chien-Ping Chang, Jiun-Shiou Deng, Ming-Feng Lu, and Yang-Tung Huang
Email addresses of all the authors:
Number of paper pages: 12
Abstract: In our previous research, combining the unique features of the double-layer network and holographic optical switches not only reduces the volume of the whole system and eliminates all interconnection lines and crossovers significantly, but also reduces the number of drivers from N2/4+2Nlog2N-2N to 2Nlog2N. In this paper, modifying the structures of the holographic optical switches to satisfy the characteristics of the double-layer network, the system insertion loss can be minimized significantly from (2log2N-1)(LPBS+2LEOHWP) to (2log2N-2)LPBS+2(log2N)LEOHWP (dB). After rearranging the channels, the number of electro-optic halfwave plates can be decreased significantly from 2N2-2N to 2Nlog2N.
Keywords: holographic optical switch, polarization beam splitter, double-layer network, optical interconnection network, system insertion loss, signal-to-noise ratio
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session: Components Reduction of Double-Layer Networks with Holographic Optical Switches
Organizer of the Session: 613-482
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