The following information was submitted:
Transactions ID Number: 29-560
Full Name: Daniela Zirra
Position: Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Female
Address: 1B Expoziþiei Blv, Sector 1, Bucharest – 012101
Country: ROMANIA
Tel: +040721296649
Tel prefix: +04
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Title of the Paper: The impact of the economic crises on Romanian labour market
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Daniela Zirra
Email addresses of all the authors:
Number of paper pages: 17
Abstract: The international economic crisis, initially emerging as a series of financial disruptions in the world's highly developed countries, has severely destabilized all the sectors of our daily life, whether economic, social, cultural or otherwise. The labour market is the most afflicted area given its particular sensibility to negative stimuli. The important role played by this market (it ensures the labour supply in relation to the employment demand of firms), is no longer a new concept. Therefore, we can say that the Romanian labour market represents a good example to illustrate the difficulty of creating the conditions that could make labour supply more adaptive and flexible in a very dynamic business environment, satisfying a very exigent labour demand taking into account the technology evolution and building high quality new work places. In the last almost two decades, the evolution of the Romanian labour market was spectacular, by comparison to the analogue pheno!
mena in the developed countries of the European Union. The transformations undergone by the labour market have been quite profuse and their impact on the environment significant. One of the most important ones being that the global economic crises generated a reduction of the general economic activity. As a direct consequence of this evolution, the labour market suffered a strong imbalance, a lot of Romanian workers are returning for a safe work place in Romania, but the national economy is not capable to help them. The subject of this paper is to make some appreciations about what could happen in the future and how the Romanian firms and authorities could react to one of the biggest issue of economic crises, respectively the unemployment and the instability of the work places in a very disturbing economic environment.
Keywords: Labour market, Economic environment, Economic crises, Unemployment, Work place, Instability, Dynamic
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Special (Invited) Session: Romanian labour market face to face with the economic crises
Organizer of the Session: 624-274.pdf
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