Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 54-157
Position: Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Dept of CSE, Karpaga Vinayaga College of Engg & Tech, Kanchipuram
Country: INDIA
Tel prefix:
E-mail address: kaathaan@yahoo.com
Other E-mails: subbu.21074@gmail.com
Title of the Paper: Multipath State Aware Concurrent Multipath Transfer Using Redundant Transmission for Multi-homed Hosts
Authors as they appear in the Paper: M.Subramaniam
Email addresses of all the authors: kaathaan@yahoo.com
Number of paper pages: 25
Abstract: Concurrent Multipath transport protocols have the potential to greatly improve the throughput performance and resilience of the Internet traffic flows. If the data transfer starts to the destined IP, unaware of paths condition, that may result in packet loss and delay in data transfer. This is due to bursty conditions of IP traffic or physical damage. To overcome this, status of the network path is determined before transmission. In our new mechanism Multipath state Aware Concurrent Multipath Transfer using Redundant Transfer (MSACMT-RT), status of multipath is determined, initially and periodically before transmission. MSACMT-RT begins immediately after determining the path status, for a particular interval of time and later transfers with CMT only for predefined period. We demonstrate using simulation under assumption that both the sender/receiver having three paths for CMT. By using MSACMT-RT it is inferred that our algorithm outperforms better than Concurrent !
Multipath Transfer Potentially Failed (CMT-PF). MSACMT-RT mechanism in alternate paths increases the throughput. We present and discuss MSACMT-RT performance in asymmetric paths with the constrained receiver buffer (rbuf) value of 128KB. We also discuss this scenario with no path failures, frequent and on more frequent path failures with regular and irregular intervals.
Keywords: MSACMT-RT, Receiver Buffer, CMT-PF, Multihoming and SCTP
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
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