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Transactions ID Number: 31-823
Full Name: Emad Akawwi
Position: Assistant Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Al-Balaqa Applied University-Al-Salt
Country: JORDAN
Tel: 00962-6-4720289
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Title of the Paper: The Effect Of The Change In The Groundwater Table In The Slab Foundation Constructed In A Wet Soils By Using Finite Element Method.
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Emad Akawwi, Maher Kakish
Email addresses of all the authors:,
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: The numerical techniques (finite element method) were applied on the wet soils for three cases. The change in water table by 1m, 2m and 4m were used as stress change (upward load) by 10 kpa, 20 kpa and 40 kpa respectively to determine the effect of the water table change on the vertical displacement and vertical stresses of the foundation. This technique indicates that doubling the upward load increased the vertical movements of the wall twice. The vertical movement of the beam at 1 m water table change (10kpa-stress change) was 6.57 mm. At 2 m change in water table (20kpa stress change) it was 13.1 mm. and it was equal 26.3 mm at 4 m water table change (40 kpa- stress change). These values ware taken at the interface nodes (the contact between the soil and the beam) and these movements decreased close to the pile. That meant using piles (walls) are very useful to constrain the soil and reduce the vertical displacement. As well doubling the water table changes !
(stress change) doubled the vertical stresses. The vertical stress was 9.67 kpa at 1 m water table change, 19.3 kpa at 2 m water table change, and at 4m water table change, it was 38.7 kpa. In addition the stress induced on concrete by swelling was found 2514.7 kpa. This was larger than the tensile strength of the concrete (2500 kpa) therefore the cracks occurred and the concrete damaged and collapsed. This study showed that the pile bends if the nodes at the left side of the beam (node no. 146,165 and 170) restrained at X-direction and free at Y-direction. But if these nodes were restrained at both directions, the pile rotates.
Keywords: Finite element, slab, crack, vertical movement, horizontal movement, stress, tensile, strength.
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