Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 28-760
Full Name: Ana María Borges
Position: Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Female
Address: Universidad Simón Bolívar, Edif MYS, piso 3, Ofic. 303, Valle de Sartenejas, Baruta, Caracas 1080-A, Edo. Miranda, Venezuela, A.P. 89000
Tel: 00584166318040
Tel prefix: 0058
Fax: 0058212 9063304
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Title of the Paper: Towards a Study Opportunities Recommender System in Ontological Principles-based on Semantic Web Environment
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Ana María Borges, Marla Corniel, Richard Gil, Leonardo Contreras, Rafael H. Borges
Email addresses of all the authors:,,,,
Number of paper pages: 13
Abstract: A professional career selection is a complicated process for university student candidates and often little technical tolls are available for who aim to enter to the superior education system, since it is necessary to consider the incidence of a multiplicity of variables to obtain a "satisfactory answer" that comes near to the idea that they have preconceived. These variables build up a complex relations map that requires the formulation of an exhaustive and rigorous conceptual scheme. In this research a domain ontological model is presented as support to the student's decision making for opportunities of University studies level of the Venezuelan education system. For the declaration of the domain ontological model developed, the information provided by two organisms (OPSU & CNU) is used. Both are responsible to design the policies and strategies for the superior education in Venezuela. The ontology is designed and created using Methontology approach, since this m!
ethodology offers the possibility of improving the progressive creation or captures and knowledge articulation, its elements and relations. In order to represent the ontology Protégé 3.1.1 tool is used, based on the ontological language for the Web: OWL (Web Ontology Language) and; finally, to accede and to visualize the ontology, an application based on the Semantic Web is developed. In the field of the computation, computer science and systems, the concept of profiles or users models has many meanings and connotations, its first and greater diffusion arise with the development and use of on-line increasing systems; however, they have gain great preponderance recently, not only to refer and/or to respond to the passive user who approaches "the system", but for the possibility of taking care of a user stimulated and attracted by "the system". In that sense, the possibility of this "personalized attention" and/or recommendations from "the system" will be obviously conditione!
d by the user context. Centered on the possibility of giving that "cus
tomized attention" from which they must select an option between many, it is tried in the future to construct a meta-ontology that integrates the domain ontology with a user profile ontology, thus aiming towards to a Semantic Recommendation System under Multiagent approach in the future, that could be useful to support students decision making process for career selection over different study opportunities in Higher Education level in Venezuela.
Keywords: Study Opportunities, Ontology, Semantic Web, Ontology Development, User Profiles, User Context, Intelligent Agents
EXTENSION of the file: .doc
Special (Invited) Session: Ontological Model as Support Decision Making in Study Opportunities: Towards a Recommendation System
Organizer of the Session: 593-262
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