The following information was submitted:
Transactions ID Number: 28-672
Full Name: Corina Maria Dinis
Position: Lecturer
Age: ON
Sex: Female
Address: Revolutiei Str., no 5, Hunedoara, 331128
Country: ROMANIA
Tel: 749 035512
Tel prefix: +40
Fax: 254 207501
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Title of the Paper: Mathematical Modeling and Simulation in Matlab/Simulink of Processes from Iron Ore Sintering Plants
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Corina Maria Dinis, Gabriel Nicolae Popa, Angela Iagar
Email addresses of all the authors:,,
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: This work presents the mathematic models of the basic processes from an iron ore processing plant. Based on the mathematic models, using the Matlab/Simulink platform, it was achieved the simulation of the dosing process and simulation of the sintering process. The achieved mathematic model allows the determination of the material flows in the charge at their chemical composition variation, or at the variation of the reference values of the parameters S, I, r0, c0. Further the simulation, there are obtained the time-variations of the optimal speed for the sintering machine at different distributions of iron ore's temperatures on the sintering band.
Keywords: Sintering process, Sintering plant, Iron ores, Charge, Agglomerate, Sintering machine, Modeling, Simulation, Simulink
EXTENSION of the file: .doc
Special (Invited) Session: Modeling and Simulation of Processes from an Iron Ore Sintering Plant
Organizer of the Session: 603-279
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