Saturday, 14 March 2009

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 32-338
Full Name: M. H. N. Tabrizi
Position: Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Department of Computer Science
Tel: 252-3289691
Tel prefix:
Fax: 262-3280715
E-mail address:
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Title of the Paper: RFID Based Learning Assessment System
Authors as they appear in the Paper: V. DRONA, S. DRONA, C. RUSELL, M.H.N. TABRIZI
Email addresses of all the authors:
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: Learning Assessment or traditional testing is typically performed with the participation of a proctor, who must be physically present in the classroom at all times. Protecting the integrity of learning assessments, in any form, often involves complicated procedures and adjustments to the assessment process and environment. The Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) based Learning Assessment System (RLAS) is aimed at removing the need for a human proctor and reducing the complexity involved in the assessment. This is particularly important when assessment is more complex than a traditional pencil and paper variety. RLAS integrates RFID tags, Pocket PC (PDA's) and a server to create a complete learning assessment system. RFID tags are used to track students' movements and PDAs are used as communication devices. Students are then monitored by a virtual proctor on a server. In this paper the development of the RLAS system is described and its use as a tool to develop an!
d execute individualized learning environments for students in K-12 is considered. The system integrates audio, video and common textual learning tools depending on the student's location and learning style needs. The system further assesses the effectiveness of the chosen tools in the student's learning process.
Keywords: Learning Assessment, Proctor, RFID, Sensors, Communication
EXTENSION of the file: .doc
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