Monday, 16 March 2009

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 28-917
Full Name: Farzin Emami
Position: Assistant Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Airport Boulevard, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, IRAN
Country: IRAN
Tel: +98-711-7266262
Tel prefix:
Fax: +98-711-7353502
E-mail address:
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Title of the Paper: theoretical optimum designation of distributed Raman amplifiers in different media
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Farzin Emami and Amir H. Jafari
Email addresses of all the authors:,
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: Raman Amplifiers (RAs) are a group of amplifiers which have various applications in optical communications. Data transmission media utilized for RAs are optical fibers operating in nonlinear regime. We present the performances and characteristics of RAs by utilizing a set of coupled differential equations and numerical simulations. Two types of fibers with different gain characteristics, germanium-doped and silica fibers are used in our numerical simulations. So, the optimum initial values of the pump powers for a system with 10 pumps are recalculated and optimized again. We did our simulation to have a flat gain and low noise characteristics. Another aspect of the fiber media is their effective areas and we studied the effects of this parameter on the net gain of the RAs. Finally, the noise figure computations are discussed for our 10 pumps bidirectional amplifier which is optimized.
Keywords: Raman amplifiers, Noise figure, Nonlinear gain, Numerical simulation, Optimization
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session: Analysis of Low Noise and Gain Flattened Distributed Raman Amplifiers Using Different Fibers
Organizer of the Session: 609-521
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