Thursday, 19 March 2009

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 32-351
Full Name: Wei Gao
Position: Doctor (Researcher)
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: No.550 Box,Yichang,443003
Country: CHINA
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Title of the Paper: Comparison of Travel-time statistics of Backscattered Pulses from Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Rough Surfaces
Authors as they appear in the Paper:
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Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: Abstract: - Travel-time statistics of backscattered pulses from Gaussian and non-Gaussian (Rayleigh and Exponential) surfaces are studied and compared in this paper. It is found that in both cases (the Gaussian and non-Gaussian surfaces), the probability distributions of the first and the second travel times are all only determined by a dimensionless parameter. Moreover, this study also found that the proportional relations between the dimensionless parameter and the median values of the first and the second travel times are remarkably different for Gaussian and non-Gaussian cases. Then the statistical parameters of the rough surface can be estimated from travel-time statistics of backscattered pulses above if the probability distributions of the surface elevation and slope (PDSES) are known in advance. However, PDSES are often unknown in most of practical applications, and little work has been applied to the problem of specifying the statistical characteristic of !
the rough surface in advance (Gaussian or non-Gaussian). To solve this problem, on the basis of the relations between the median values of travel times and the altitude of source, a new theoretical method is proposed to judge the rough surfaces with Gaussian, Rayleigh and Exponential distributions. It is believed that the method proposed in this paper will be helpful to improve the estimate accuracy the parameters of a rough surface.
Keywords: probability distribution, travel time, backscatter, random surface.
EXTENSION of the file: .doc
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