Thursday, 22 October 2009

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 29-802
Full Name: Claudio Guarnaccia
Position: Assistant
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Via Ponte don Melillo 1, I-84081
Country: ITALY
Tel: 0039 089 969356
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Title of the Paper: nonlinear evolutionary process in biophysics: an hamiltonian representation
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Joseph Quartieri, Stefano Steri, Nikos E Mastorakis, Claudio Guarnaccia
Email addresses of all the authors:,,,
Number of paper pages: 11
Abstract: The behaviour of a cellular colony in controlled growth is here exploited by means of new mathematical models. The first aim of the paper is to introduce the Hamiltonian function in an analytic nonlinear evolutionary process. In analogy with the finite optimal processes theory, this study leads to the introduction of a canonical representation of the process by means of two sequences of equations. This means that one has to introduce "adjoint variables", namely "generalized momenta", which play the role of classical momenta and have to be considered together with the "positional variables". A correct explanation of the physical meaning of these new variables gives the possibility to extend the analogy with classical mechanics. In this scenario, a biological problem can be considered and used as a case study for this analogy. The authors have already studied the controlled evolution of a cellular colony in some recent papers. Now the application of an Hamiltonian re!
presentation to the stochastic process of a tumoral cells colony is approached by means of the introduction of the canonical variables. This hopefully could lead to the begin of a new optimal control of drug therapy in the evolution of a tumoral colony.
Keywords: Hamiltonian Function, Optimal Control, Cellular Colony
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session: Introduction of an Hamiltonian Function and a Canonical Representation in view of a Possible Optimal Control of a Cellular Colony
Organizer of the Session: 619-191
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