Tuesday 27 October 2009

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions: PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS – New Techniques and Methodologies in Engineering Problems
Transactions ID Number: 10-148
Full Name: Mohamed Sallam
Position: Researcher
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: 23 brandfort street
Tel: +44 7899802476
Tel prefix: 07899802476
E-mail address: mssallam@dum.ac.uk
Other E-mails: sallam54@hotmail.com
Title of the Paper: Multimodal Metaphors in E-learning Note-Taking
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Mohamed S. Sallam and Dimitrios Rigas
Email addresses of all the authors: Mssallam@dmu.ac.uk,D.Rigas@dmu.ac.uk
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: This paper introduces an empirical study conducted to investigate the use and effect of multimodal metaphors in e-learning applications. This investigation involved two different interface platforms performed by forty users. The first interface platform (textual interface), based on three input modalities, namely text, graphic, and speech, was used to deliver information about note-taking. The second platform interface (multimodal interface) was based on five input modali-ties, including; text, graphic, speech, avatar and earcons to deliver the same infor-mation. The aim of the experiment was to measure and compare the level of usa-bility of textual and multimodal interfaces. The usability parameters, which are efficiency, effectiveness, and users' satisfaction, were considered in the experi-ment. The results obtained from this investigation have shown that the multimodal e-learning interface increased the level of usability as users took significantly less time to!
complete the tasks, performed successfully in a higher number of tasks, and were more satisfied than when using the textual interface. These input modalities could be used to improve the attractiveness of note taking which in turn will be reflected in increasing users' motivation and interest in the presented learning material.
Keywords: E-learning, Usability, User interface, Multimodal Interaction
EXTENSION of the file: .doc
Special (Invited) Session: An Initial Study into a Multimodal Note-Taking System
Organizer of the Session: 619-233
How Did you learn about congress: khald ayad (khaled_geo@yahoo.com)