The following information was submitted:
Transactions ID Number: 32-817
Full Name: Premalatha J
Position: Assistant Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Female
Address: Dept of CSE, Kongu Engineering college, erode
Country: INDIA
Tel: 04294-226570
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Title of the Paper: cross layer design using collaborative interactive architecture to enhance qos in manets
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Premalatha.J Balasubramanie.P
Email addresses of all the authors:,
Number of paper pages: 11
Abstract: Interactions between layers has been shown to increase performance in certain scenarios of Adhoc networking and sharing knowledge about layer state and conditions proved to be a promising paradigm for performance optimization in MANETs. Certain parameters like throughput and delivery ratio are decreased and delay and packet loss are increased in Transport layer is due to MAC problems and disconnection is also possible due to mobility and the network layer is not able to detect the route between source and destination. Further transport layer assumes fake congestion when there is a delay and packet loss and reduce the transmission rate. So, providing knowledge about channel conditions (MAC) to routing, transport and application layers allows designing more sophisticated allocation and improves the Quality of service. We implemented the cross layer design using collaborative architecture to inform each layer state conditions to all other layers and tested for three d!
ifferent scenarios. The applications which require QoS is selected and it contains many number of packets and available in transport layer and channel condition is good, then each layer state information is passed to all other layers using cross layer design and so the layers select suitable mechanisms like selective retransmission technique in transport layer, AODV algorithm in Network layer and IEEE802.11e mechanism in MAC layer, and produce enhanced QoS than any other combination of the algorithms. If the channel conditions are poor and the application requires a QoS, CLD inform the state conditions to the layers and then layers can enter into suspend mode. If the channel conditions are poor and the application does not require QoS, then the transport layer selects AIMD, network layer selects AODV and MAC layer selects IEEE802.11 and provides best effort service. In this paper evaluates the performance evaluation of QoS parameters like throughput, packet delivery ratio, !
delay, packet loss and bandwidth delay product are considered. We exam
ined the effects of two different MAC protocols- IEEE 802.11and IEEE802.11e with AODV and DSR of routing algorithms with Selective retransmission, Slow start and Arithmetic Increase and Multiplicative Decrease (AIMD) mechanism of TCP. Along with cross layer design, selective retransmission technique in transport layer, AODV algorithm in Network layer and IEEE802.11e mechanism in MAC layer the results are 65-75% improvement in throughput, 60-70% improvement in bandwidth-delay product; 60-70% improvement in delivery ratio, packet loss is reduced to 50-55%.
Keywords: Mobile adhoc networks, Cross Layer Design(CLD), Medium access control (MAC), Transport layer Protocol (TCP), Slow start, AIMD, Selective retransmission, Adhoc on demand vector(AODV), Dynamic source routing(DSR) and Quality of Service (QoS)
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