Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 53-877
Full Name: Juan Juan Wang
Position: Student
Age: ON
Sex: Female
Address: Dalian University of Technology
Country: CHINA
Tel prefix:
E-mail address: wjj_21257@yahoo.com.cn
Other E-mails: wjj_21257@sina.com
Title of the Paper: a feasible strategy for allocating cost of automatic generation control of the customer side
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Juan-juan Wang,Wei-dong Li,Yun-li Zhao
Email addresses of all the authors: wjj_21257@sina.com,wdli@dlut.edu.cn,zhaoyunli@mail.dlut.edu.cn
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: The allocation of automatic generation control(AGC) cost of the customer side can distinguish the responsibility of each load for the AGC demand of the customer side, which will impel loads to improve their characteristics and reduce the AGC demands effectively. Three allocation indexes of AGC cost, that is, the AGC requirement, the AGC fluctuation characteristics and the relationship between the load AGC demand and the area AGC demand , are set by the way of the numerical characters of stochastic series, and a feasible strategy of the cost allocation of the AGC from the customer side is proposed. Numerical examples are meticulously analyzed and utilized to verify the feasibility and practicability of cost allocation. It also shows that when the capacity of wind power is large enough, the fluctuation of the wind power will have greater influence on the total AGC demand of an area. But an area can transport smoother electric power to the grid and maintain a high w!
ind penetration, if wind turbine generators are installed in appropriate areas.
Keywords: AGC cost; Customer side; Cost allocation; AGC demand; Allocation index; Load cooperation
EXTENSION of the file: .doc
Special (Invited) Session:
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How Did you learn about congress: Energy Management Systems,Deregulation and Electric Power Market,Power market,Load Management