Tuesday 31 May 2011

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 53-631
Full Name: Liliana Pinheiro
Position: Ph.D. Candidate
Age: ON
Sex: Female
Address: Av. do Brasil 101 1700-066 Lisboa
Tel: 218443756
Tel prefix: +351
E-mail address: lpinheiro@lnec.pt
Other E-mails: jfortes@lnec.pt
Title of the Paper: Finite Element Model for Wave Propagation Near Shore Based on Extended Boussinesq Equations
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Liliana Pinheiro, Conceição Fortes, João Santos, Leonel Fernandes, Mark Walkley
Email addresses of all the authors: lpinheiro@lnec.pt, jfortes@lnec.pt, jasantos@dec.isel.pt, leonel@dem.ist.utl.pt, m.a.walkley@leeds.ac.uk
Number of paper pages: 18
Abstract: This paper describes the numerical model BOUSS-WMH (BOUSSinesq Wave Model for Harbours), a finite element model for nonlinear wave propagation near shore and into harbors. It is based upon an extended version of the Boussinesq equations to which terms were added to generate regular or irregular waves inside the numerical domain, absorb outgoing waves, partially reflect waves at physical boundaries, control numerical instabilities and reproduce energy dissipation due to bottom friction and wave breaking. The paper focuses on the implementation of partial reflection, bottom friction and wave breaking as well as on the model applications to experimental test cases. Results are compared with physical model tests and another numerical model.
Keywords: Wave Propagation, Boussinesq Equations, Harbours, Finite Elements
EXTENSION of the file: .doc
Special (Invited) Session: Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics
Organizer of the Session: Professor Friedrich
How Did you learn about congress: Wave propagation, Boussinesq equations