Monday, 5 October 2009

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 29-760
Full Name: Suzana Carmen Cismas
Position: Senior Lecturer
Age: ON
Sex: Female
Address: Str. Maica Domnului nr. 14 bl. T52, sc.1, ap.24, sector 2,Bucuresti
Country: ROMANIA
Tel: 0721 093 133
Tel prefix: 004
E-mail address:
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Title of the Paper: Linguistic Clues for Developing Research Questionnaires on English e-learning in Engineering
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Suzana Carmen Cismas
Email addresses of all the authors:
Number of paper pages: 15
Abstract: Abstract: - Questionnaires investigating foreign language acquisition in engineering via traditional or web-based methods are versatile, allowing the collection of both subjective and objective data through the use of open or closed format questions. Modern computers have only made the task of collecting and extracting valuable material more efficient. Just as well, they have made English learning easier, more interactive and accessible. Therefore we are currently confronted with clear progress and a shift in teacher/student roles, whose impact must be thoroughly investigated in point of effectiveness and possible unwanted side effects. However, a questionnaire is only as good as the questions it contains, and as relevant as its respondents/pools of subjects are. Many standards must be met before a questionnaire can be considered a sound research tool. The majority deal with making the questionnaire understandable and free of bias. Mindful review and testing are ne!
cessary to weed out minor mistakes that can generate significant changes in meaning and interpretation. When these guidelines are followed, the questionnaire becomes a powerful and economic evaluation tool. Additionally, when it is designed and applied together with students, it becomes a valuable instrument for developing their research abilities and furthering both their theoretical background and field research skills. The present questionnaire constantly generated data in 1999-2009, a relevant decade in investigating the Romanian learning and labour markets, and is a subsequent implementation of a Leonardo da Vinci program entitled: Recipes for successful e-language teaching, Guidelines for the implementation of effective and dynamic language teaching in ODL environment.
Keywords: open distance learning, web-based English teaching in engineering, questionnaire, learning market
EXTENSION of the file: .rtf
Special (Invited) Session: Questionnaire on Implementing Open Distance Learning for English in Engineering
Organizer of the Session: 617-446.rtf
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