Tuesday 21 July 2009

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 32-644
Full Name: Dalgobind Mahto
Position: Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Green Hills Engineering College, Solan, Himachal Pradesh
Country: INDIA
Tel: 09805151210
Tel prefix: +91-1792
E-mail address: mahto123@rediffmail.com
Other E-mails: leman.mech@gmail.com
Title of the Paper: novel method of productivity improvement and waste reduction through recycling of submerged arc welding slag
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Dalgobind Mahto, Anjani Kumar
Email addresses of all the authors: mahto123@rediffmail.com, leman.mech@gmail.com
Number of paper pages: 21
Abstract: ABSTRACT The traditional welding flux is costly and the flux used in Submerged Arc Welding generates wastages known as Slag. It is generally thrown away as a waste after use. This poses the problem of storage, disposal, and environmental pollution and needs landfill space apart from exhaust of non-renewable resources. If by recycling the used flux can be reused in product yielding same quality parameter as the new flux, then the cost of the input will go down significantly. However, this requires extensive trial and error experimentation because it is often difficult to know how the slag ingredients interact after recycling to determine the operational characteristics of the recycled flux and the final performance of the welded structure. Keeping this in mind, an experiment has been carried out in a manufacturing unit with small investment. As far as possible, Weld qualification tests were performed using recycled flux to get it qualified in an approved laboratory !
in the final products made from recycled slag based on sample tests supported by cost comparisons and live testing in a product used in commercial vehicles. Hence, the present work aims at establishing a quantitative and qualitative relationship about the potential to revolutionize welding slag recycling technology supported by statistical analysis tools for life testing of samples. Some results obtained regarding strength of Submerged Arc Welded joints, comparative cooling rate between original flux and recycled slag have been investigated and presented. Furthermore, a few areas of using recycled welding slag have been recommended and potential areas for further research, where the recycled slag may be useful, have been suggested.
Keywords: Keywords: Submerged Arc Welding, Flux, Waste, Recycling.
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session:
Organizer of the Session:
How Did you learn about congress: Karuna Sharma, Green Hills Engg College, Solan, India, karuna@rediffmail.com