Monday 27 July 2009

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 29-525
Full Name: Sosa-herrera Antonio
Position: Student
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Av. 1 de Mayo s/n. Col.Atlanta. 54740 Cuautitlán Izcalli, Edo. Mex.
Country: MEXICO
Tel: 56231962
Tel prefix: 52
E-mail address:
Other E-mails:,
Title of the Paper: Variable precision distance search for random fractal cluster simulations.
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Sosa-herrera Antonio,Rodriguez-romo Suemi
Email addresses of all the authors:,
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: A simple an effective algorithm for performing distance queries between a large number of points stored in quadtrees and octrees. The algorithm is developed and tested for the construction of diffusion-limited aggregates. To achieve an enhancement on the searching time we accept approximate distance values with low precision at the first levels of the hierarchical structure, and accurate ones at the last level. The structure of the trees is the only feature used for the determination of approximate distances at any stage. These techniques allowed us to build DLA clusters with up to 10^9 particles for the two-dimensional case and up to 10^8 particles for the three-dimensional case. We also worked with the PDLA model obtaining fractal clusters with up to 10^10 and 10^9 particles for two and three dimension clusters respectively. We worked on a supercomputer to run the PDLA simulations, as well as a high performance server for DLA simulations. We employed POSIX thread!
s to provide parallelization and mutexes as control mechanisms to achieve synchronization between groups of 4 processors, hence simulating PDLA clusters with early convergence to the DLA model.
Keywords: Dla, Pdla, distance queries, nearest neighbor, fractal cluster, quadtree, octree
EXTENSION of the file: .doc
Special (Invited) Session: Distance search techniques in quadtrees and octrees for random particle cluster simulations.
Organizer of the Session: 618-278
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