Friday 23 October 2009

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 29-809
Full Name: Christos Chalkias
Position: Assistant Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Female
Address: El. Venizelou 70, 17671, Kallithea, Athens
Country: GREECE
Tel: 210 9549347
Tel prefix: 0030
E-mail address:
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Title of the Paper: A GIS based model for the optimisation of municipal solid waste collection: the case study of Nikea, Athens, Greece
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Christos Chalkias, Katia Lasaridi
Email addresses of all the authors:,
Number of paper pages: 11
Abstract: Waste collection and transport (WC&T) constitutes a large fraction of the total municipal solid waste (MSW) management costs worldwide. In Greece currently this may account for 70-100% of the total MSW costs, most of it being spent on salaries and fuel. It is therefore crucial to improve the WC&T system through routing optimisation. Geographic Information System (GIS) technology provides an advanced modelling framework for decision makers in order to analyse and simulate various spatial waste management problems, including waste collection. In this study a methodology for the optimisation of the waste collection and transport system, based on GIS, was developed. A model in ArcGIS Network Analyst was developed in order to improve the efficiency of WC&T in the Municipality of Nikea (MoN), Athens, Greece via the reallocation of waste collection bins and the optimisation of vehicle routing in terms of distance and time travelled. Two scenarios were compared with the cu!
rrent empirical collection scheme: S1-collection vehicle routing optimisation, and S2-reallocation of bins and routing optimisation. Results demonstrate both scenarios provide savings compared to the current situation in terms of collection time (3.0% and 17.0% for S1 and S2 respectively) and travel distance (5.5% and 12.5% for S1 and S2 respectively). Time and distance reduction relate to similar CO2 emissions and fuel consumption savings. These figures indicate that GIS based models can offer significant improvements to the WC&T system and, consequently, to its financial and environmental costs.
Keywords: Waste collection, GIS, Network Analyst, Routing, Route optimisation, Modelling
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session: Optimizing municipal solid waste collection using GIS
Organizer of the Session: 619-095
How Did you learn about congress: Kostas Abeliotis (e-mail:, Petrakis Michael (email: