Tuesday 1 December 2009

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 19-203
Full Name: John Sakellaris
Position: Other
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: 9, Iroon Polytechniou Street, Zografou 15772
Country: GREECE
Tel: +306939560033
Tel prefix: +306939560033
Fax: +302107721302
E-mail address: jsakel@central.ntua.gr
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Title of the Paper: Integration of Building Envelope and Services via Control Technologies
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Chris J. Koinakis, John K. Sakellaris
Email addresses of all the authors: jsakel@central.ntua.gr, chrisko@civil.auth.gr
Number of paper pages: 19
Abstract: The last decade offered the foundation of several seminal concepts, which although natively composite and complex, amply demonstrate the potential of 21st century technology to affect important societal trends. Among notable candidates, the convergence of technologies related to information and energy, has revealed the potential to reform conventional modes of operation towards a sustainable and more rational way of resources utilization. Perhaps the most profound example of this technological integration will be met in forthcoming planning of residential and industrial building design, where the rapid advance of co-generation technologies and respective legislation follow-up, pave the way for a vast growing market. The rational behind this blooming market becomes directly apparent, considering that the international power authorities and vendors, must –among many other issues such as power network safety- urgently address the gross imbalance between central power !
generation (93% global share), which is characterised by high losses from transmission and distribution (T&D) systems and inefficient power plants. Electricity losses are running at a minimum of 13.4% a year from developing countries T&D systems, while the efficiency of central power plants is only around 33%. This waste of energy, which is directly associated with the traditional model of central power generation -but can be largely stopped by the use of building-level cogeneration, is dragging along massive social, economic and environmental damage -particularly to the world's poor countries. Millions of people are failing to receive a supply of electricity as a consequence; national fuel bills are billions of dollars higher than they could be, and pollutant emissions are causing untold additional health and environmental harm. At this point it must be clearly stated, that at the context of this paper the term services is restrained to energy consumption reduction service!
Keywords: Integration, Building Envelope, Services, Control Technologies, Communication Protocols, EIB – KONNEX Technology, Power Line Technology, Bits, Bytes, Data Telegram, Building Facades, Bioclimatic Architecture, A / V Ratio
EXTENSION of the file: .doc
Special (Invited) Session: Integration of Building Envelope and Services via Control Technologies
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