The following information was submitted:
Transactions ID Number: 89-654
Full Name: Flavio Tonelli
Position: Assistant Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Via All'Opera Pia 15
Country: ITALY
Tel: 353-2888
Tel prefix: 00 39
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Title of the Paper: Strategic business process insourcing, insights of an action research in the railway sector
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Marco Mosca, Flavio Tonelli, Roberto Revetria, Paolo Taticchi
Email addresses of all the authors:,,,
Number of paper pages: 13
Abstract: The academic literature on Business Process Outsourcing is relevant, offering a well-structured background and very interesting case studies. By the other hand, little research effort has been performed for Business Process Insourcing, which in contrast to the traditional view of outsourcing, where the outsourcer and vendor are separate players, sets the delegation of a pull of operations to a co-shared, but stand-alone, business entity that specializes in that operations. Thus, managers and experts, considering BPI strategies, are claiming for rigorous methodologies to support this critical transition in a practical way. In this paper, insights from an action research, in relation to a BPI strategy chosen by a multinational organization operating in the railway sector (Bombardier Transportation, BT) is reported. According to this strategy, the creation and starting phases of an engineering centre, co-shared by BT and Infotech (a selected Indian engineering service!
s vendor), namely BTECI (Bombardier Transportation Engineering Centre India), are analyzed and reported. The knowledge contribution of this work is about the empirical evidence of a set of methodologies and tools useful to a BPI implementation strategy through the clear evidence of hidden problems and potential implementation pitfalls.
Keywords: Strategic Out-Sourcing, In-Sourcing, Action Research, Railway Sector, Case Study
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Special (Invited) Session: Strategic Outsourcing of Engineering and Technical Documentation to India: an Experience from a Company Leader in the Railway Sector
Organizer of the Session: 626-396
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