Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 20-404
Full Name: Lucian Milea
Position: Other
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Nerva Traian 12, Bl. M37, Sc. 3, Ap. 77, 031046, Bucharest, Romania
Country: ROMANIA
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Title of the Paper: Hardware & Software Package for Locomotory Disabled Patients Training
Authors as they appear in the Paper: P.L. Milea, G. Stefan, M. Moga, S. Mitulescu, E. Cernat, C. Moldovan
Email addresses of all the authors:
Number of paper pages: 8
Abstract: The design of an intelligent prosthesis involves a lot of issues that have to be solved for achieving good results. The modeling, implementation and accommodation phases for the active intelligent prosthesis is obviously a complex approach, involving both manufacturers' and patient's high implication. To support this approach we've projected and implemented a package of software solutions and hardware interfaces which eases the case identification and training stage for every patient. The package use requires some phases, described inside the paper, including: an analysis phase of the snag and its neighborhood, picking up all the useful controlling biosignals for the prosthesis and running bioelectrical tests to identify the minimum set of independent biosignals. These phases conclude with the training stage, which is done to verify the patient's ability to use and control all the prosthesis functions. This training involves the patient's awareness in learning how !
to control his own biosignals by means of their visual correlation to the movements of an already attached virtual prosthesis. Based on data offered by the identification and training phases, one can choose a prosthesis solution among those available, best suited to the patient's case and abilities, along with his financial availability, required by one choice or another. Considerable time and money savings can be achieved by using this set of software and hardware solutions, both because of delays and prosthesis mismatching elimination and because of the patient's involvement in picking up of the appropriate solution. The training must be finished before purchasing an intelligent prosthesis, which is costliness. The proposed methodology, the hardware and software package components we made and the tests we have run are detailed inside the paper.
Keywords: Intelligent Prosthesis, Prosthesis Modelling, Biosignals, Disabled Patients Training, Prosthetic Solutions Choosing, Virtual Environment, Software Asisted Training
EXTENSION of the file: .doc
Special (Invited) Session: Software and Hardware for Locomotory Disabled Patients Assisted Training and Prosthetic Solutions Choosing
Organizer of the Session: 644-187
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