The following information was submitted:
Transactions ID Number: 52-248
Full Name: Ya-Yueh Shih
Position: Assistant Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Female
Address: No. 580, SinMin Rd., Chiayi 600
Country: TAIWAN
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Title of the Paper: Apply Data Mining Techniques to Mobile Commerce of Personalized Book Recommendations
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Ya-Yueh Shih
Email addresses of all the authors:
Number of paper pages: 14
Abstract: The emergence of Internet might be one of the most important information technologies that affect the general user to change the consumer behavior; however, the advance in wireless technology further pushes e-commerce from wide area network to the mobile commerce environment of wireless network. In fact, libraries are toward to digitized books, periodicals, academic journals, pictures and so on by information techniques to improve service quality. In this study, we also try to propose a mobile personalized books recommender system for library. First, a mobile device such as PDA (personal digital assistant) was used to obtain ISBN via camera embedded PDA to identify books and data mining techniques was used to recommend related books to readers from historical borrowed data. Based on the mobile books recommender system, users’ overall satisfaction was evaluated in different types of quality from IS success model. The aim of the proposed system is to assist readers!
to succeed in obtaining more relevant books and provides readers highly satisfaction. Finally, the overall satisfaction is about 33% explained by quality attributes of system, information and service qualities.
Keywords: Data Mining, Book recommendations, Mobile Commerce, PDA
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