Thursday 1 July 2010

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 88-155
Full Name: Petar Šolić
Position: Ph.D. Candidate
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Rudjera Boskovica b.b.
Tel: +385981752651
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Title of the Paper: linear model of adapting frame size in DFSA of passive Gen2 RFID systems
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Petar Šolić, Joško Radić, Nikola Rožić, Mladen Russo
Email addresses of all the authors:,,,
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: Low costs of passive UHF RFID tags, as well as their simplicity makes them appropriate for the localization and tracking services in today's fast-moving, information rich trading networks. However, a few disadvantages of passive RFID technology performances, as a reading range of passive tags and high collision rate during RFID reader-tag communication, still needs quality of service improvements. In order to maintain passive technology cheap, but to improve the disadvantages, it is important for tags not to include any additional electronic circuitry, and to maximize the efficiency of the actual hardware. So, it is necessary to develop the optimal algorithms in order to maximize the communication efficiency. In this paper we provide the analysis on MAC layer protocol of passive UHF-Gen 2 RFID standard. In the accordance with the standard, we provide the improvement for the frame size adaptation, which increases the throughput of RFID system and thus minimizes the!
time for tags identification. The algorithm for the improvement includes the estimate of the number of tags through the linear behavior model of number of Collisions (C), and Successful (S) slots within the frame. Estimated number of tags is used for adaptation of the frame size. For comparison, simulation results show that our approach provides better efficiency than Q-Selection algorithm from UHF-Class1-Gen 2 standard.
Keywords: Framed Slotted ALOHA, transmission control strategy, Q-selection Algorithm, RFID identification, Number of tags estimation
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session: LookUp Algorithm for Adapting Frame Size in DFSA of Passive UHF-GEN2 RFID
Organizer of the Session: 645-344
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