Thursday 4 September 2008

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 31-424
Full Name: hojatollah hamidi
Position: Ph.D. Candidate
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: UT
Country: IRAN
Tel: 06654222122
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Title of the Paper: Computing and Evaluation of Fault Tolerant Mobile Agents in Distributed Systems
Authors as they appear in the Paper: H . Hamidi , A.Vafaei ,N.Nilchi
Email addresses of all the authors:
Number of paper pages: 15
Abstract: The reliable execution of a mobile agent is a very important design issue to build a mobile agent system and many fault-tolerant schemes have been proposed. Hence, in this paper, we present evaluation of the per¬formance of the fault-tolerant schemes for the mobile agent environment. Our evaluation focuses on the checkpointing schemes and deals with the cooperating agents. We examine fault tolerance with regard to properties and requirements of mobile agents We derive the FANTOMAS (Fault-Tolerant approach for Mobile Agents) design which offers a user transparent fault tolerance that can be activated on request, according to the needs of the task. A theoretical analysis examines the advantages and drawbacks of FANTOMAS. The use of mobile agent, however, is critical and requires reliability in regard to mobile agent failures that may lead to bad response time and hence the availability of the system may lost. In this paper, a fault tolerance technology is proposed i!
n order that the system autonomously detect and recover the fault of the mobile agent due to a failure in a transmis¬sion link.
Keywords: Mo¬bile Agent, Fault Computing, Fault Recovery, Network Management, Checkpointing, Fault Tolerant.
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