Saturday, 15 November 2008

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions: Please, select the Journal that you submit to
Transactions ID Number: 28-640
Full Name: Dalia Angeles-Wedler
Position: Ph.D. Candidate
Age: ON
Sex: Female
Address: Permoserstr. 15
Country: GERMANY
Tel: 341-235-1756
Tel prefix: 0049
Fax: 0049-341-235-1471
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Title of the Paper: Pd catalyst for environmental applications
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Dalia Angeles-Wedler, Katrin Mackenzie, Frank-Dieter Kopinke
Email addresses of all the authors:,
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: A promising alternative for remediating chloroorganic contaminants in groundwater is reductive dechlorination using Pd catalysts (e.g. Pd/Al2O3). The catalyst's high potential is, however, limited by its sensitivity to sulfide poisoning. The ubiquitous presence of sulfide in natural waters hinders the successful field application of Pd-based reactors for groundwater remediation. In the presented study, protective and regenerative measures for the catalyst Pd/Al2O3 against sulfide are presented. The protective approach includes oxidative water pretreatment using permanganate to remove sulfide (H2S/HS-) in water before it comes into contact with the Pd catalyst whereas regenerative approach introduces permanganate as oxidant for Pd-bound sulfide. Results showed that in the pretreated water sulfides were removed so that catalyst poisoning was prevented. This led then to a successful dechlorination reaction in the bulk phase. Experimental results also showed the high e!
fficacy of permanganate as oxidant for the catalyst-bound sulfides. This is most efficient when the regeneration of sulfide-fouled catalyst was conducted at low pH condition. Thus, a complete recovery of catalyst activity was obtained at shorter regeneration time (i.e. 30 min) using relatively low regenerant concentration of about 0.18 mM KMnO4. This study, therefore, present findings which are of high practical significance in terms of realizing the potential of Pd-based catalysts for environmental applications such as groundwater remediation.
Keywords: deactivation, hydrodechlorination, Pd catalyst, permanganate, regeneration, pretreatment
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session: Protection and Regeneration of Pd Catalyst for Dechlorination of Contaminants in Groundwater
Organizer of the Session: 593-273
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