Friday, 14 November 2008

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 31-715
Full Name: Dan George Tonţ
Position: Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Oradea, Magheru st, no 7 , Bl. M7, ap1, zip code 410057
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Tel: +040-0359-410039
Tel prefix: +040-0359
Fax: +040-0359-410039
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Title of the Paper: Onsager-Casimir Antireciprocity Relations for the Hall Gyrators Analysis
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Dan George Tonţ, Luige Vladareanu, Gabriela Tonţ
Email addresses of all the authors:,,
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: Abstract: -. The paper focuses on the analysis of characteristics of driving point impedance for a lossy gyrator. For a gyrator, the ratio between short-circuit input resistance and open-circuit input resistance is always greater then unity. The antireciprocity of the Hall transducer is a natural phenomenon and its results from investigation of transfer resistances. Is known that for a certain value of magnetic induction, in general, transfer resistances are not equal. In other words, Hall transducer is a passive non-reciprocal circuit. In certain circumstances, however, when Hall plate does have voltage zero, (constructively, electrodes are disposed on the same equipotential surface with zero inductance) transfer resistances are equal in value, but have opposite sign. In these cases we are talking about behavior of Hall transducer as antireciprocal circuit, respectively as a gyrator. Gyrators are a class of antireciprocal resistive two-ports. The findings are conc!
erning and the locus of the input equivalent impedance An assessment of Hall generator behavior regarded as a circuit element and particularly as a gyrator was performed by the means of experimentally validation Onsager-Casimir relation. Key-Words: - Hall transducer, antireciprocal, gyrator, two-ports.
Keywords: Key-Words: - Hall transducer, antireciprocal, gyrator, two-ports.
EXTENSION of the file: .doc
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