Saturday, 15 November 2008

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 28-646
Full Name: Viola Somogyi
Position: Ph.D. Candidate
Age: ON
Sex: Female
Address: Egyetem Str. 10. Veszprém, H-8200
Country: HUNGARY
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Title of the Paper: Mathematical modelling of processes of reject water treatment in moving bed bioreactor
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Viola Somogyi, Bence Fazekas, Endre Domokos, Ákos Rédey
Email addresses of all the authors:
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: Efficient treatment of reject water originating from sludge digestion process was achieved by implementing a moving bed bioreactor. Since the ongoing processes in the reactor were unclear, model development was chosen in order to map them. To describe biofilm processes a newly presented zero-dimensional biofilm model [27] was chosen. Simulation data in the study of Plattes et al. [28] were promising for municipal wastewater but it did not meet the expectations in case of wastewater with high ammonia content. Therefore four step nitrogen removal was implemented in the 0D biofilm model. Steady-state simulation showed that processes over nitrite were of great importance in the system. The results also indicated that to a certain degree ANAMMOX (anaerobic ammonia oxidation) reaction took place as well. The special structure of the moving bed bioreactor with protected microorganism colonies was assumed to be the reason for that.
Keywords: Reject water, Nitrogen removal, MBBR, Steady-state simulation, ANAMMOX
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session: Model development for determining processes of reject water treatment in moving bed bioreactor
Organizer of the Session: 593-097
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