Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 32-179
Full Name: Kannaiah Sathish Kumar
Position: Assistant Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: School of Electrical Sciences, VIT University, Vellore-632014.TamilNadu
Country: INDIA
Tel: 04162202413
Tel prefix: +91
Fax: 04162243092
E-mail address:
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Title of the Paper: Optimal Power System Reconfiguration in Distribution Circuit using Brute Force Attack Algorithm
Authors as they appear in the Paper: K Sathish Kumar T Jayabarathi
Email addresses of all the authors:,
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: This paper approaches the problem of restoring a faulted area in an electric power distribution system after locating and isolating the faulted block and reconfiguring the system. Through this paper we are going to explain the power system restoration technique using brute-force attack method (BFAM) and binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO). This is a technique based on the possible combination in mathematical analysis which is explained in the introduction. After isolating the fault, main concentration will be towards the reconfiguration of the restored system using BPSO. In power system if a node has fault than its near-by agents will make all the possible combination with the near-by node starting(1st) to end(nth) and then will go up to the end load and the best solution path out of these combination will be used for the restoration. Main advantage of this method is that it will give the 100% efficient result for the restoration of node considering the powe!
r availability of the feeders. Here due to fault in the system near-by agent will be affected and become useless and will go in the non-working mode. Now in order to restore these near-by loads we will give a new connection called NO (Normally Open). These connections work in such a way so that the switch will be in open state as long as there is no fault. But it will close with the load of near-by feeder as soon as fault is there and they will restore the system by taking the only available power (extra power) from the feeder through bus connection. After restoration using the BFAM, the BPSO will be used in order to provide the stable configuration. The output of the BFAM will be used as input for the BPSO and then we will reconfigure our system in order to provide the stable configuration. The effectiveness of the proposed BFAM and BPSO is demonstrated by simulating tests in a proposed distribution network and verified the results using the Matlab and C programming.
Keywords: Power System Restoration, Reconfiguration, Radial Structure, Load Balancing Index, BPSO and BFAM
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session:
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How Did you learn about congress: Dr.V.M.Chandrasekaran, Professor In-charge, VIT