Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 89-747
Full Name: Ryszard Szplet
Position: Associate Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Gen. S. Kaliskiego 2, 00-908 Warsaw
Country: POLAND
Tel: 683 76 30
Tel prefix: +48 22
Fax: 683 90 38
E-mail address: rszplet@wel.wat.edu.pl
Other E-mails: rszplet@gmail.com
Title of the Paper: High precision time and frequency counter for mobile applications
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Ryszard Szplet, Zbigniew Jachna, Krzysztof Rozyc, Jozef Kalisz
Email addresses of all the authors: rszplet@wel.wat.edu.pl,zjachna@wel.wat.edu.pl,krozyc@wel.wat.edu.pl,jkalisz@wel.wat.edu.pl
Number of paper pages: 11
Abstract: This paper presents the design, architecture, operation, and test results of a high precision time interval and frequency counter made as a small, portable instrument with USB interface. Thanks to the use of advanced time interpolators integrated in a CMOS chip, the precision (standard deviation) below 35 ps was obtained at measured time interval from 0 to 200 ms. The frequency can be measured up to 3.5 GHz. Due to the very short dead time of the counter the maximum measurement rate of 5 million measurements per second is achieved. The dedicated control software creates a user-friendly and versatile graphic interface in Windows environment. Reprogrammable CMOS technology used in the counter allows easy customizing of the instrument to match many specific applications.
Keywords: Time interval counter, Time digitizer, Time-to-digital converter, Time interpolation, Two-stage interpolation
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session: Portable time interval counter with picosecond precision
Organizer of the Session: 637-176
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