Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 19-315
Full Name: Razvan Oprita
Position: Assistant
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Faculty of Architecture, University Politehnica Timisoara, 2/A Traian Lalescu street, 300223 Timisoara
Country: ROMANIA
Tel: 363952
Tel prefix: 0040 745
E-mail address: oprita@mail.dnttm.ro
Other E-mails: r.oprita@gmail.com
Title of the Paper: Risks influences and sustainable multihazard design on built environment
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Razvan Oprita
Email addresses of all the authors: oprita@mail.dnttm.ro
Number of paper pages: 8
Abstract: The notion of risk is reported on local and transitory phenomenon that through them actions are remodeling the ecological system, affecting the built environment and endangers the human life. Risks are nature generated like earthquakes, floods, winds and fires; and human generated like terrorism. Defining and understanding risks and the problems that each of them raises on built environment is essential because they are changing human environment and the way of life. Each risk has its own characteristics and raises specific problems. A multi hazard approach of design teams is required for a proper mitigation assessment of the impacts on built environment. An investigation of built environment affected by risks leads to definition of specific measures for each risk category as well as commune measures for mitigation. Structural modification of the built environment outlook trough multihazard design and taken into consideration modern people needs can lead to remodel!
ing of urban landscape with benefic effects on socialization needs and protection of humans.
Keywords: risk mitigation assessment, built environment, multihazard design, urban environment
EXTENSION of the file: .doc
Special (Invited) Session: Risks influences on the built environment
Organizer of the Session: 634-329
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