The following information was submitted:
Transactions ID Number: 31-306
Full Name: Toly Chen
Position: Associate Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: 100, Wenhwa Rd.
Country: TAIWAN
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Title of the Paper: An Evolving Hybrid Neural Approach for Predicting Job Completion Time in a Semiconductor Fabrication Plant
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Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: Predicting job completion time is a critical but difficult task to a semiconductor fabrication plant. To further enhance the effectiveness, an evolving hybrid neural approach is proposed in this study. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, production simulation is also applied to generating test data. According to experimental results, the predicting accuracy of the evolving hybrid neural approach is significantly better than those of many existing approaches. On the other hand, to improve the practicability of the evolving hybrid neural approach, several issues in practical applications are also discussed. Though the evolving hybrid neural approach seems to be theoretically complicated, its application is shown to be simple and beneficial to the plant¡¦s production planning and control.
Keywords: Completion time; Semiconductor fabrication; Look-ahead; Back propagation network; Self-organization map; Genetic algorithm
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