Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 28-421
Full Name: Antonio Javier Sánchez Santiago
Position: Researcher
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Alfonso X el Sabio, 28 Linares
Country: SPAIN
Tel prefix:
E-mail address:
Other E-mails:,,,,
Title of the Paper: A dynamic-balanced scheduler for Genetic Algorithms for Grid Computing
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Antonio Javier Sanchez, Antonio J. Yuste, J. Enrique Muñoz, Sebastián García, Juan M. Maqueira, Sebastián Bruque
Email addresses of all the authors:,,,,,
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: The new paradigm of distributed computation, grid computing, has given rise to a large amount of research on resource scheduling. Unlike the distributed computation, grid computing uses heterogeneous resources, for what grid computing entails new challenges as the adaptation of parallel algorithms before developed for homogeneous resources cluster to the dynamic and heterogeneous resources. In this paper we present a dynamic-balanced scheduler for grid computing that solves two typical kinds of problems of grid computing, using for them the cycles of some resources of the grid. The first problem is based on iterative tasks that usually appear in optimization problems. The second problem is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) problem. Experimental results using dynamic-balanced scheduler show that it is possible to obtain an improved use of the resources in the grid. This strategy enables to adapt the length of a task to the computing capacity of each resource at any giv!
en moment. Furthermore, this scheduling strategy enables to execute all the tasks in a shorter time.
Keywords: Grid computing, Dynamic-balanced scheduler, Genetic algorithm, Optimization problem.
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session: A balanced scheduler for Grid computing
Organizer of the Session: 599-191
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