Monday, 28 June 2010

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

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Transactions: Please, select the Journal that you submit to
Transactions ID Number: 88-130
Full Name: Dorina Isar
Position: Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Female
Address: Timisoara, Bd. V. Parvan nr. 2
Country: ROMANIA
Tel: +40 256 403347
Tel prefix: +40
Fax: +40 256 403295
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Title of the Paper: A Bayesian Approach of Wavelet Based Image Denoising in a Hyperanalytic Multi-Wavelet Context
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Ioana Firoiu, Alexandru Isar, Dorina Isar
Email addresses of all the authors:,,
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: We propose the use of a new implementation of the hyperanalytic wavelet transform, (HWT), in association with a Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) filter named bishrink. The denoising methods based on wavelets are sensitive to the selection of the mother wavelets. Taking into account the drawbacks of the bishrink filter and the sensitivity with the selection of the mother wavelets we propose a denoising method in two stages in a multi-wavelet context. It is based on diversification followed by wavelet fusion. Some simulation examples and comparisons prove the performances of the proposed method.
Keywords: MAP filter, Hyperanalytic Wavelet Transform, denoising, bishrink
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session: A maximum a posteriori approach of hyperanalytic wavelet based image denoising in a multi-wavelet context
Organizer of the Session: 645-431
How Did you learn about congress: Marcel Gabrea, Romulus Terebes, Sorin Moga