The following information was submitted:
Transactions ID Number: 52-137
Full Name: Khaled Faqih
Position: Assistant Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Al aL-Bayt University, Mafraq, Jordan
Country: JORDAN
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Title of the Paper: A vortex plate theory of hovering animal flight
Authors as they appear in the Paper:
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Number of paper pages: 20
Abstract: A mathematical model of vortex structure generated during animal hovering flight is adopted to determine the induced power requirement. The wake structure is modeled by a series of equispaced rigid rectangular vortex plates, positioned horizontally and moving vertically downwards with identical speeds; each plate is generated during powering of the functionally wing stroke. These plates are assumed to remain undistorted during their motion and act as rigid surfaces. The flow around the far wake is assumed to be identical to that of the flow about an infinite series of parallel vortex plates moving normal to themselves with constant speed. The vortex representation of the wake considered in the current theory allows a considerable loss of momentum to occur. This loss is approximated by Prandlt's tip theory. The boundary conditions of this disjointed set of vortex plates determine their velocity potential which contribute to the calculation of the induced power requ!
irement. The current theory is based on the assumption that the impulse associated with the vortex plate is adequate to support the animal's weight for the duration of the wing stroke period. It is determined that the ratio of the initial vortex plate area to wing swept area is equal to the normal spacing parameter f; which can be related to the hovering parameter K by equating the impulse of the vortex sheet to the vortex plate impulse; K depends upon the animal's morphology and the kinematics characteristic of the wing stroke. The classical model for induced power estimate is the actuator-disk model which renders the advantage of simplicity. This type of modeling does not precisely correspond to actual events that occur in animal flight. However, the current approach accords well with the nature of the wingbeat since it considers the unsteadiness in the wake as an important fluid dynamical characteristic. Induced power in hovering is calculated as the aerodynamic powe!
r required to generate the vortex wake system since this wake is prima
rily the main physical product of hovering action. Specific mean induced power to mean wing tip velocity ratio is determined by solely the normal spacing parameter f for a given wing stroke amplitude. The current theory gives much higher specific induced power estimate than anticipated by classical methods.
Keywords: Vortex, Plate, Hovering, Animal, Flight, Prandlt
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