The following information was submitted:
Transactions ID Number: 52-138
Full Name: Ming-Hua Chang
Position: Associate Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: No. 99, Anchung Rd., Hsintien City, Taipei
Country: TAIWAN
Tel: 886-2-8212-2000#6783
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Fax: 886-2-8212-2811
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Title of the Paper: To Decode Shortened Reed Solomon Codes on Bit level
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Ta-Hsiang Hu and Ming-Hua Chang
Email addresses of all the authors:,
Number of paper pages: 11
Abstract: This study presents a way to shorten a Reed Solomon (RS) codes on bit level such that only some BCH subcodes are contained. A Reed Solomon codes over GF(2^m) can be mapped onto the bit level, which is call a binary image of this code[4]. A binary image of an RS code comprises m¡¦s BCH subcodes in concatenation and glue-vector codewords. The information bits are encoded with some BCH subcodes, and then the corresponding received sequence is decoded by these BCH decoders or the mother RS decoders. As in simulations of a BPSK coherent system over AWGN channels, the error performance of these BCH algebraic decoding is better than that of the mother RS algebraic decoding.
Keywords: RS decoding, RS codes, BCH codes, binary image.
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