The following information was submitted:
Transactions ID Number: 89-885
Full Name: Dalila Zaltni
Position: Ph.D. Candidate
Age: ON
Sex: Female
Address: Rue Omar Al Khattab, Zrig, Gabes
Country: TUNISIA
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Title of the Paper: Synchronous Motor Observability Study and a New Robust MRAS Speed Observer with an Improved Zero-speed Position Estimation Design for Surface PMSM
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Dalila Zaltni, Mohamed Naceur Abdelkrim
Email addresses of all the authors:,
Number of paper pages: 14
Abstract: This paper deals with the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) observability problems and proposes a simple and effective solution to improve the rotor speed and position estimation for Surface PMSM (SPMSM). In fact, the problem of loss of observability at low frequency range is always recognized in experimental settings. Nevertheless, there are no sufficient theoretical observability analyses for the PMSM. In the literature, only the sufficient observability condition has been presented. Therefore, the current work is aimed specially to the necessary observability condition analysis. In order to improve the rotor speed and position estimation in the case of SPMSM, a special attention is given to Model Reference Adaptive System (MRAS). MRAS based techniques are one of the best methods to estimate the rotor speed and position due to its performances and straight forward stability approach. In this paper, we propose a new robust MRAS scheme based on sliding mode!
techniques to estimate the rotor speed of a SPMSM. Furthermore, an Estimator/Observer swapping system is designed to overcome position observability problems at zero speed which is an unobservable state point. The stability of the proposed MRAS observer is also presented and discussed. Various tests are carried out in simulation using MATLAB/SIMULINK to illustrate the obtained theoretical results.
Keywords: Permanent magnet synchronous motor, Observability analysis, Model reference adaptive system, Observer, Sliding mode
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Special (Invited) Session: Robust MRAS Speed Observer and an Improved Zero-speed Position Estimation Design for Surface Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
Organizer of the Session: 633-573
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