The following information was submitted:
Transactions ID Number: 88-295
Full Name: Alfredo Espinosa
Position: Researcher
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: Reforma 113, Col. palmira
Country: MEXICO
Tel: +52-777-3623811
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Fax: +52 777 3623811
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Title of the Paper: On-Line Simulator for Decision Support in Distribution Control Centers in a Smart Grid Context
Authors as they appear in the Paper: A. Espinosa-Reza, A. Quintero-Reyes, R. Garcia-Mendoza, J.F. Borjas-Diaz, T.M. Calleros-Torres, B. Sierra-Rodriguez, R. Torres-Abrego
Email addresses of all the authors:
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: This paper shows the physical, logical and functional architecture designed for integrating an On-Line Simulator of Electrical Distribution Networks (SED by its acronyms in Spanish) for decision support in Distribution Control Centers in Mexico. The main objective is the integration of engineering functions for distribution networks (power flow, short circuit, optimal reconfiguration, reliability, among others) and an Expert System (Case Based Reasoning) in order to support the processes of information analysis, decision making and training on the job at Regional Control Centers of Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE by its acronyms in Spanish). The On-Line Simulator is installed, updated and in operation in a Distribution Control Center (Zona Tampico) and in a Regional Center for analysis and monitoring (Division Golfo Centro). Currently the On-Line Simulator is in use to establish the Semantic Model (CIM based) in order to integrate the CIM interoperability arc!
hitecture for systems supporting Operations for Distribution Networks in Mexico.
Keywords: Simulator, CIM, Smart Grid, Electrical Distribution Network, Real-Time data, On-Line data, SCADA, DMS, optimal restoration, Decision Support System.
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session: On-Line Simulator of Electrical Distribution Networks for Decision Support in Distribution Control Centers
Organizer of the Session: 645-160
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