Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 88-395
Full Name: Jacek Kolodziej
Position: Doctor (Researcher)
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: al. A. Mickiewicza 30 paw. C3-404
Country: POLAND
Tel: 12 617 30 22
Tel prefix: +48
Fax: 126332398
E-mail address: jackolo@agh.edu.pl
Other E-mails: golanski@agh.edu.pl
Title of the Paper: Adaptive nonuniform sampling delta modulation - practical design studies
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Ryszard Golanski, Jacek Kolodziej
Email addresses of all the authors: golanski@agh.edu.pl, jackolo@agh.edu.pl
Number of paper pages: 10
Abstract: The method of design the values of the adapted parameters for 1-bit delta modulators is the subject of the paper. The method involves systems with adapting both parameters: the quantization step sizes or/and sampling intervals. The necessary values of the sampling intervals and the step sizes should be calculated before the modulation procedure starts. All of the data of the step sizes or/and time intervals are written into the Lookup Tables. Block diagram of the ANS-DM delta modulator based on the Lookup Tables is explained. Main parts of the article are devoted to the analytical relationships on the basis of which step sizes and sampling intervals can be calculated. These formulas have been used in the program SYMMOD to computation particular values of the step sizes and sampling intervals. Two parameters adaptation in the delta modulation makes the modulator and it’s algorithm more complicated but decreases considerably the required number of sampling inte!
rvals and step sizes thus improving the quality of conversion (SNR) in relation to the solutions with only one parameter adaptation.
Keywords: Adaptive delta modulation, non-uniform sampling, Lookup Table, Jayant’s algorithm, dynamic range Lambert’s function.
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session: Adaptive parameters discrete values designing for delta a/d converters with non-uniform sampling
Organizer of the Session: 646-662
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