Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Wseas Transactions

New Subscription to Wseas Transactions

The following information was submitted:

Transactions ID Number: 19-390
Full Name: Nicolae Tandareanu
Position: Professor
Age: ON
Sex: Male
Address: A.I.Cuza Street 13, University of Craiova, Craiova 200585
Country: ROMANIA
Tel: 0251412673
Tel prefix: 004
Fax: 0251412673
E-mail address: ntand@rdslink.ro
Other E-mails: rcai@central.ucv.ro
Title of the Paper: Embedding Conditional Knowledge Bases into Question Answering Systems and Java Implementation
Authors as they appear in the Paper: Nicolae Tandareanu Mihaela Colhon Cristina Zamfir
Email addresses of all the authors: ntand@rdslink.ro,mcolhon@inf.ucv.ro,cristina.zamfir@star-storage.ro
Number of paper pages: 8
Abstract: A conditional schema is a graph-based structure which is able to represent conditional knowledge. This structure was introduced in [11]. The inference mechanism corresponding to the conditional schema representations was developed in [12]. In this paper we propose a question answering system that can represent and process conditional knowledge using these mechanisms. In order to accomplish this task we refine the concept of conditional schema by introducing the concepts of XML-conditional structure generated by a conditional schema and XML-conditional knowledge base for such a structure. We describe the architecture of a question answering systems that uses these structures. An implementation by means of Java platform is briefly described.
Keywords: Conditional schema, Conditional knowledge, Interface by voice, Graphical user interface, XML, Dialogue system, Question answering system
EXTENSION of the file: .pdf
Special (Invited) Session: A Spoken Question Answering System Based on Conditional Knowledge
Organizer of the Session: 646-323
How Did you learn about congress: Claudiu Popirlan popirlan@gmail.com Ion Iancu i_iancu@yahoo.com Gabriel Stoian gstoian@yahoo.com